wow! its been over a week since i've surfed da SG.... oh how i miss this place. Damn life, damn sleeping too many distractions
Well as you can see by my profile pic i now live in appleworld. And what a sweet place it is too! Its election time again, which means al the studens have to vote for who they want to 'run'...
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Well as you can see by my profile pic i now live in appleworld. And what a sweet place it is too! Its election time again, which means al the studens have to vote for who they want to 'run'...
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piffle. Thalia has gone. I'm all alone again.
I've had a run of bad luck and good luck recently. Its starting to piss me off!
-Sarah has gone
-Apparently someone else has bought my flat so i have to find somewhere else to live
-The newspaper is costing the union too much to produce so i have to sit back and watch them...
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I've had a run of bad luck and good luck recently. Its starting to piss me off!

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I saw a hurt bird today as I was walking home. It looked like it had broken it's neck, but it was still alive and aware of me and was gasping and kicking it's legs when it saw me approach. I don't know whether to take this as an omen or not. Perhaps bad luck is just around the corner for me.
So did you get: your new iMac, a new flat, new keys, laid?
So did you get: your new iMac, a new flat, new keys, laid?
that is a crazy amount of weed in your profile
ok. sos for the lack of updates everybody: i am typing this on a weird as hell french keboard: ok I met sarah eventually at the airport after getting lost in the maze known as Gatwick. mmmmm ok, first thing, yes she is as gorgeous
as the photos in reql life, hozever i was shocked at her ickleness.... aw, i swear she is the cutest...
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YAY! (jumps up and down and cheers)
Back to blighty! You're going to have to readjust again after the break away. Nice to hear that it went well.
Dark City is a great film, first time I saw it I was stoned and it freaked the hell out of me! For other Kiefer Sutherland films for the discussion, what about Lost Boys? That was always an old favourite of mine.
I still have all my Transformers toys as well as the cartoons. Decepticons for me all the way, got to go for the bad guys. The Autobots were great too but the sheer malevolence of the Decepticons made the show for me. Probably cos I'm a cynic.
Dark City is a great film, first time I saw it I was stoned and it freaked the hell out of me! For other Kiefer Sutherland films for the discussion, what about Lost Boys? That was always an old favourite of mine.
I still have all my Transformers toys as well as the cartoons. Decepticons for me all the way, got to go for the bad guys. The Autobots were great too but the sheer malevolence of the Decepticons made the show for me. Probably cos I'm a cynic.
Well last night went well enough, but Im sick of the students apathy for my cause. The thing that bothers me is that the students that bother to turn up fucking dig the tunes.. every night Ive done Ive been bombarded with requests and compliments but there are never enough people to get the place pumping like it should be. Maybe the venue isnt right...
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Awwww she'll be there now
Do we get to see cute couple pictures of you two
Do we get to see cute couple pictures of you two

djing tonight.. .argh!
first time for a while... luckily i have DJ Skidmore holding my hand which always makes me feel invincible. You know? if you're a lone DJ you can get yelled at by the punters for playing Come To Daddy on loop over YMCA, but when he's there the fun can really begin.
hmmm, i'm getting a tad nervous about Thalia's arrival now.....
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hmmm, i'm getting a tad nervous about Thalia's arrival now.....
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Congrats with you and Thalia. I'm picturing enjoying myself listening to you loop YMCA over Come to Daddy.
Hope your dj slot went ok.
How many days to go til T-day?
How many days to go til T-day?
busy busy busy..
must try harder
think think think
drink drink drink
eat eat eat eat eat eat
wank wank wank wank

must try harder

think think think

drink drink drink

eat eat eat eat eat eat

wank wank wank wank

can't stop missing you!!! i love my email! thanks so much for ALL of those pictures, they are so cute. *giggles*
i hope you slept well my love.
i need to sleep now myself.....zzzzzzzz
xoxo your sweet T
i hope you slept well my love.
i need to sleep now myself.....zzzzzzzz
xoxo your sweet T
hey, go to this site and get a free cd of my new fav band. if you hate it, send ti to me: you have to like in the UK to get it...the first 666 members get it free haha.
hey, go to this site and get a free cd of my new fav band. if you hate it, send ti to me: you have to like in the UK to get it...the first 666 members get it free haha.
Well yesterday was strange. My landlord decicded to finish my wall/door thing at last. However, obviously i wasn't expecting him turning up and my flat was a bit of a mess.. He kindly left a note for me on my Keyboard..
"Please give me a ring about cleaning vacancy
I wish to apply
01902 82XXXX"
I wish I had been informed of...
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Well yesterday was strange. My landlord decicded to finish my wall/door thing at last. However, obviously i wasn't expecting him turning up and my flat was a bit of a mess.. He kindly left a note for me on my Keyboard..
"Please give me a ring about cleaning vacancy
I wish to apply
01902 82XXXX"
I wish I had been informed of...
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That's such a picture dude
Is that a police car behind you? Nice picture though
I managed to tidy my flat up over the weekend (bloody miracle) and if I could of got paid for it, I'd have claimed time and a half
I managed to tidy my flat up over the weekend (bloody miracle) and if I could of got paid for it, I'd have claimed time and a half

Today has been a complete contrast to yesterday. I mean, for a start i slept really well, had GREAT dreams, the sun has got his hat on today also! It is so bright, its like a cold summers day! YEAY! I also have a bit of electricity and enough money to eat food til payday. So all in all everythings' fine.
I found some funny...
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I found some funny...
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Consciousness was creeping very slowly towards Abbadon- making its way gradually into his head, and bringing with it waves of pain. Each passing moment brought him closer to the realization that:
a. He had no idea where he was
b. He had no idea how he got there
c. Drinking an entire bottle of that domestic booze he had picked up in the Jigari space station, was not an idea likely to enter the top5 list of best ideas ever, and perhaps not even to the top 10.
He would have been quite content to spend the day there, if it wasnt for the annoying buzzing noise that seemed to get louder and louder- coming from somewhere above him.
He decided to count to 3 and get up- it will be hard for a few seconds, but that was more then enough time for him to locate more alcohol and consume it.
He got ready- 1..
He hit his head on the bottom side of his ships control board- realizing that he had spent the night underneath it
He got up, rubbing his forehead- feeling a large bump starting to form, sending yet more pain signals to his brain.
That damn buzzing noise!- where was that damn thing coming from?!?
A single light flashed across the main monitor. It was an intercepted message which the computer was in the process of decoding- using a code breaker unit he had picked up in the black market on Jaissak.
It was, of course, a highly illegal thing to do, but when youre already wanted in 17 star systems for various accounts, including smuggling of illegal goods, piracy, grand theft, fraud, enticing a riot and shoplifting- somehow your values become a bit more flexible then those of most men.
He stood there staring at the screen. He was a pilot, not a damn code-breaker. Where was his good for nothing partner?!? He couldnt do everything himself- and besides Daaaaaaaarlek!!!!!!!!!! he screamed at the top of his lungs.
A door snapped open- releasing an overwhelming cloud of thick smoke.
2 minutes later, when the smoke finally cleared, Abbadon could at last see his co-pilot and partner in crime. DJDarlek was wearing a colorful suit, fitted with tiny holographic projectors. The suit was changing colors and shapes according to Darleks mood- he had picked it up in one of those touristy resorts on Kilaun 5- where they had stopped for the triple full moon rave, and insisted on wearing it at all times. The source of the smoke was obvious enough- he was dragging a 6 foot water pipe, the end of which trailing on the floor behind him.
Oh- thank fuck indeed for helping me out! Here I am trying to fly this ship, banging my head on stuff when youre sitting in your room smoking those purple roots! Can you even remember your own name?
Hey, hey- no need for aggression- its all love, eh? he was always amused at his friends lack of ability to mellow out.
Abbadon didnt care much for this hippy crap, but was in no mood to argue any further-Take a look at this- I cant make anything out of this gibberish
Lets see Darlek sat down and started fiddling with the keyboard. Hey- thats interesting he said- his suit turning purple with tiny cones forming on his back- Havent seen one of these in a while Seems like a military code- unusually complex
Can you do it or not? Abbadon became impatient- there was more resting to be done and the day wasnt getting any longer
Hang on. Almost Done! You could say what you will about Darleks smoking habits- when it came down to it he was one of the top hackers in the galaxy.
Let me see Abbadon pushed Darlek aside to get a better view. The message read:
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=Top Secret=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
From: Ambassador Lerchurl- High Galactic Council
To: Admiral Garsh- Star Fleet Command HQ.
The package is lost.
Last spotted at coordinates- 234589YE/8900-123UG
Get it back at any cost.
Hmmmmmmm I wonder whats in the package said Abbadon quietly, almost to himself.
Set course Darlek- lets see what we can find there. I have a good feeling about this! Abbadons voice trailed behind him as he made his way out of the bridge.
But Darlek started protesting, soon to realize that he was standing there all by himself.
Damn rotation plan! he thought. It was Abbadons turn to be captain this week. He delighted in ordering Darlek around and insisting on being called Captain Abbadon, Sir.
He could turn the ship around at that moment, but somehow that didnt feel right. Being too close to that disgusting Admiral Garsh had proved to be a bad idea in the past
A thought crossed his mind- they were close to the rebel base, perhaps they could get some information before commencing another one of Abbadons money making schemes, better known to the rest of humanity as a: Suicide Mission.
He thought for a second, looked back at the bathroom door, where Abbadon was taking one of his 4 hour nap-baths
Little green smilies started forming on his suit as he punched in the coordinates.
a. He had no idea where he was
b. He had no idea how he got there
c. Drinking an entire bottle of that domestic booze he had picked up in the Jigari space station, was not an idea likely to enter the top5 list of best ideas ever, and perhaps not even to the top 10.
He would have been quite content to spend the day there, if it wasnt for the annoying buzzing noise that seemed to get louder and louder- coming from somewhere above him.
He decided to count to 3 and get up- it will be hard for a few seconds, but that was more then enough time for him to locate more alcohol and consume it.
He got ready- 1..
He hit his head on the bottom side of his ships control board- realizing that he had spent the night underneath it
He got up, rubbing his forehead- feeling a large bump starting to form, sending yet more pain signals to his brain.
That damn buzzing noise!- where was that damn thing coming from?!?
A single light flashed across the main monitor. It was an intercepted message which the computer was in the process of decoding- using a code breaker unit he had picked up in the black market on Jaissak.
It was, of course, a highly illegal thing to do, but when youre already wanted in 17 star systems for various accounts, including smuggling of illegal goods, piracy, grand theft, fraud, enticing a riot and shoplifting- somehow your values become a bit more flexible then those of most men.
He stood there staring at the screen. He was a pilot, not a damn code-breaker. Where was his good for nothing partner?!? He couldnt do everything himself- and besides Daaaaaaaarlek!!!!!!!!!! he screamed at the top of his lungs.
A door snapped open- releasing an overwhelming cloud of thick smoke.
2 minutes later, when the smoke finally cleared, Abbadon could at last see his co-pilot and partner in crime. DJDarlek was wearing a colorful suit, fitted with tiny holographic projectors. The suit was changing colors and shapes according to Darleks mood- he had picked it up in one of those touristy resorts on Kilaun 5- where they had stopped for the triple full moon rave, and insisted on wearing it at all times. The source of the smoke was obvious enough- he was dragging a 6 foot water pipe, the end of which trailing on the floor behind him.
Oh- thank fuck indeed for helping me out! Here I am trying to fly this ship, banging my head on stuff when youre sitting in your room smoking those purple roots! Can you even remember your own name?
Hey, hey- no need for aggression- its all love, eh? he was always amused at his friends lack of ability to mellow out.
Abbadon didnt care much for this hippy crap, but was in no mood to argue any further-Take a look at this- I cant make anything out of this gibberish
Lets see Darlek sat down and started fiddling with the keyboard. Hey- thats interesting he said- his suit turning purple with tiny cones forming on his back- Havent seen one of these in a while Seems like a military code- unusually complex
Can you do it or not? Abbadon became impatient- there was more resting to be done and the day wasnt getting any longer
Hang on. Almost Done! You could say what you will about Darleks smoking habits- when it came down to it he was one of the top hackers in the galaxy.
Let me see Abbadon pushed Darlek aside to get a better view. The message read:
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=Top Secret=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
From: Ambassador Lerchurl- High Galactic Council
To: Admiral Garsh- Star Fleet Command HQ.
The package is lost.
Last spotted at coordinates- 234589YE/8900-123UG
Get it back at any cost.
Hmmmmmmm I wonder whats in the package said Abbadon quietly, almost to himself.
Set course Darlek- lets see what we can find there. I have a good feeling about this! Abbadons voice trailed behind him as he made his way out of the bridge.
But Darlek started protesting, soon to realize that he was standing there all by himself.
Damn rotation plan! he thought. It was Abbadons turn to be captain this week. He delighted in ordering Darlek around and insisting on being called Captain Abbadon, Sir.
He could turn the ship around at that moment, but somehow that didnt feel right. Being too close to that disgusting Admiral Garsh had proved to be a bad idea in the past
A thought crossed his mind- they were close to the rebel base, perhaps they could get some information before commencing another one of Abbadons money making schemes, better known to the rest of humanity as a: Suicide Mission.
He thought for a second, looked back at the bathroom door, where Abbadon was taking one of his 4 hour nap-baths
Little green smilies started forming on his suit as he punched in the coordinates.
It's more like 18 days, four hours, and twenty minutes. 

Argh! You know when you wake up and you get the feeling that today isnt going to be your day? Well, today is that day. No electricity, no money, no food left and no energy. No internet?!?!?! (what an unbearable situation that would be at the moment!) Hmm, Im quite an optimist generally, but some days there is so much against you, you want to...
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Thats a good list and on the whole I can relate to that. Except the stick for stiring paint, I only have paint for my lead figures and sticks are too big for those.
I'd hate to get paid monthly, too used to weekly now. I know I'd spend it all too quickly.
Still, you must of only a week to go til pay day?
I'd hate to get paid monthly, too used to weekly now. I know I'd spend it all too quickly.
Still, you must of only a week to go til pay day?
get your power back on? What's it like to return to the world of the living, Thanks to me and the wonderful Avion centre
Hmmm, I've just got some promo DVD sent to me! Hurrah! It looks a bit dodgy, its called SUICIDE with the imaginative tag line HOW DO YOU WANT TO DIE? Hmm, has anyone seen it? Its got some really weird crap on the back.. I must quote some more
"SUICIDE exploits the camera in an ultra-real way and challenges our emotions more and more with...
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"SUICIDE exploits the camera in an ultra-real way and challenges our emotions more and more with...
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Do you know what the neatest thing about your profile pic is? You can literally say that you took it in front of a mirror. Might actually fool some people!
hehe. yesterday it was using bold, today it is characters. what will you do tomorrow??
alas, i use a PC for my musical needs. i learned on Mac, but when i started it was much cheaper to do PC...well, has that changed?
don't tell clovesbud you hate vinyl...he'll hunt you down and scream at you about analog and shite like that. i agree, 4.3 pounds is the best thing ever. i bring my little 75 watt speakers and laptop and i'm set for art shows...sort of a guerilla deal where i can play anywhere i want. it's fun to set up anywhere and wait for someone to tell you to stop. that's yet to happen.
based on last week, i have two people who are stalking me to join a laptop group with them. fuck that. i'm on a solo mission. well, if they can handle booking the venues I'll let them join
i'll check out venetian snares. i've heard the name i do believe.
alas, i use a PC for my musical needs. i learned on Mac, but when i started it was much cheaper to do PC...well, has that changed?
don't tell clovesbud you hate vinyl...he'll hunt you down and scream at you about analog and shite like that. i agree, 4.3 pounds is the best thing ever. i bring my little 75 watt speakers and laptop and i'm set for art shows...sort of a guerilla deal where i can play anywhere i want. it's fun to set up anywhere and wait for someone to tell you to stop. that's yet to happen.
based on last week, i have two people who are stalking me to join a laptop group with them. fuck that. i'm on a solo mission. well, if they can handle booking the venues I'll let them join

i'll check out venetian snares. i've heard the name i do believe.

fuck, its nearly 9am.. i'm getting ready for work... and starting to think to myself that maybe today will be ok, and then i finally remember to look outta the window. and what do i see?
as you can see i've learnt how to write in bold finally....
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as you can see i've learnt how to write in bold finally....
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i just can't resist. let's bust out some old deee-lite for all you picnic lovers.
Walk with me until we find the right spot
Our little excursion picnic in the park
Feet in the grass until it gets dark
Thats when I saw the fire flies spark
The pop sickle stick is finally smooth
Hop on a lily pad for the summer groove
Walking arm and arm, so glad you came along
Check out the curly vine
The blanket was too small
But you call me baby doll
I could kiss you all the time
Watchin people have a good time
Watchin people have a good time in the summertime
Flying picnic blanket in the summer groove
No interruptions were all alone
Cause I dont have my cellular phone
Sweatin your pose, wiggling your toes
Come at me like a panther
Cause you know yes is my answer
My mind is in the dirty making mud pies
The heavy heat stretch opened my eyes
You dont need a subway token
Natures fee remains unspoken
The sun is shining through the leaves
On the wild flowers in the weeds

Walk with me until we find the right spot
Our little excursion picnic in the park
Feet in the grass until it gets dark
Thats when I saw the fire flies spark
The pop sickle stick is finally smooth
Hop on a lily pad for the summer groove
Walking arm and arm, so glad you came along
Check out the curly vine
The blanket was too small
But you call me baby doll
I could kiss you all the time
Watchin people have a good time
Watchin people have a good time in the summertime
Flying picnic blanket in the summer groove
No interruptions were all alone
Cause I dont have my cellular phone
Sweatin your pose, wiggling your toes
Come at me like a panther
Cause you know yes is my answer
My mind is in the dirty making mud pies
The heavy heat stretch opened my eyes
You dont need a subway token
Natures fee remains unspoken
The sun is shining through the leaves
On the wild flowers in the weeds

your upbringing interests me.
i will read your memoirs good sir.

your upbringing interests me.
i will read your memoirs good sir.
A new day! I love weekends. Not having to get up until i say so is one of the most pleasurable things in life.
I came home last night and had a bit of a shock, my weirdo landlord had built some new door thing, and it took me at least 10 mintutes to work out how to get in. Pah.
This site has created...
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I came home last night and had a bit of a shock, my weirdo landlord had built some new door thing, and it took me at least 10 mintutes to work out how to get in. Pah.
This site has created...
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i love that picture you edited with lila stripping for's so cute, and i can't wait to see their dual set. what kinda music do you spin? i'm a dj in training

If you get a camera then I'm worried, cos you'll give them to Tim!
If you want a pic then give me the digi cam and you can have it!
If you want a pic then give me the digi cam and you can have it!
Dont worry about it- Im telling you, Captain Colin is a good friend.
They were both standing in front of a large grey door. The sign above it stated the name of the establishment they were about to enter: the Jolly Pirate.
Located on a remote asteroid/space station, the place seemed like the sort of hangout for the worst kind of people one would hope never to encounter. Upon entering a host would surely be found of the worst thieves, cutthroats and murderers known to man.
That was not the case here.
Thieves and Cutthroats usually avoided the place, claiming that the service was terrible, the floor filthy and the beer resembling urine to an even further extent then what they were used to.
As for the Murderers- they just stayed away for fear of their lives.
Captain Colin? asked Darlek.
Well- hes a bit of a traditionalist- likes to keep the old ways of pirate hospitalityFunny guy too, Abbadon made an effort at a chuckle as if to imply some fond memories- once you get to know him
Darleks hand rose to knock on the door, only to be caught in mid-air by a nervous Abbadon- Now Dar- you remember The Rules right?!?
Yeah, I guess
No- No I guess- pay attention- no loud noises, no drunk goofiness, no asking for anything thats not hard liquor, and no talking back to the staff- or the satffs pets- DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?
Yes, yes, alright! Jeez And tell me- why did we choose this place for the meeting again?
No one would look for us here- thats guaranteed. Said Abbadon, and added almost silently- well, not unless they have a death wish. Now- follow me and do what I do. With that Abbadon knocked cautiously on the door- in a manner that suggested a subconscious desire for the place to be empty. For a few seconds the air was silent, and then from inside a soft clicking noise could be heard.
DUCK!!! shouted Abbadon and pulled his friend violently to the floor.
Shotgun- by the sound of it Said Abbadon, brushing wood splinters from his hair- I told you the man was a traditionalist- doesnt believe in phasers- you gotta love him! He took a dirty white handkerchief from his pocket and started waving it in front of the large hole that gaped in the now defunct door.
WHO THE HELL IS THIS?!? a booming voice came from inside.
Colin, mate, its me- its Abbadon
Issssss it now! What a truly pleasant surprise! Well come in- come in Darlek couldnt decide if the man sounded honestly welcoming or very dark and sarcastic.
They rose slowly from the muddy entrance and cautiously entered the room. It was a pirate bar all right- fashioned like a bad adaptation of a 17th century inn- the kind of place that was originally designed to attract poor tourists- about 50 years ago.
There was little renovation (or cleaning) done since those days.
The owner couldnt have looked more appropriate- an enormous man, with a beard as thick as a crows nest and hair which even a messy crow would have been ashamed to call home. He wore an eye-patch, had a hook for a left hand and a wooden leg for his right. On his shoulder- Darlek could not believe it- stood a parrot! It was green and attentive looking- scanning the visitors with his one eye- the other was covered in a patch similar to his masters.
The man approached Abbadon, ignoring his friend completely. He stood there for a second and then punched Abbadon in the face- knocking him down to the floor.
You lousy thieving scum! You piece of human filth! Never in my life have I met a more disgusting backstabbing vermin! You have some nerve showing your face HERE again after what you pulled last time!
Abbadon lay on the bars floor, rubbing his jaw. He looked up at the giant. Colin- let me explain- He got up slowly, holding his hands up, as if to calm his assailant down, and punched him back.
Darlek stood back, as was his custom when his friend engaged in his favorite sport. He had always considered himself a pacifist- when not behind the laser cannon of his ship that is Even his color changing suit turned green with little yellow and red peace signs floating around smoking what seemed to be tiny pipes. The two men, on the other hand, seemed quite enthusiastic about their struggle- each showing great creativity and ingenuity, using handy items as weapons- bottles, chairs, ash trays and juke boxes were flying in all directions. Above them, Captain Colins parrot was flying and shouting curses and warnings at Abbadon. Darlek was genuinely impressed with the animals vast vocabulary.
Watching the fight got him tired, and Darlek found a seat, as far away as possible from the commotion. He tried to blend well with the shadowy interior and make himself as invisible as he could, in his loud, fluorescent outfit.
Suddenly, from behind him, a female voice sounded- Would you like something to drink? He turned around to see a pretty young barmaid, in dark clothes and short cropped hair.
Oh yes- please! Id like an Orange juice. Oh shit, Im sorry! I meant- a Scotch! Yes- A Scotch, or Rum, or Vodka! Whatever Manly drink you have will be fine!
The girl laughed- Dont worry about it- Im not as strict with The Rules as my father.
Your Father?
Yes- Captain Colin
Darleks eyes fixed on the girls fetching features and turned slowly to the large mass of crude Pirateness that was the Captain. But how? he began, and realized that perhaps it was a rude question- there was a good chance she was adopted
Ahemmm I meant- Pleased to meet you- My name is Darlek.
Pleased to meet you too she laughed- reading his thoughts Im Krista.
To be continued.