Everyone is sick. I always get sick around Christmas. Tossing turning, running nose, can't sleep because I am having boring dreams and not inthe mood to jack off because THAT could get me to sleep type sick. Where everything is boring an reminds me of the 70's of which I did not see but hear was pretty lame accept for punk rock which was a revolt against it anyway. The 1970's which was full of bell bottoms, velour, brown letter, tassles, and all things with bad facial and pube hair which all seems to be making a come back because the mainstream fashion world is bored. the kinda sick where you feel you have come to the end of the interwebs and no show nor book nor food you could not taste anyway will do. Although now that I think about it a Pina Colada frozen smoothie or Orange Julius would tatse ok now even though Orange Julius make my throat itch like swiss cheese does to. The type of sick where moaning makes you feel better I mean loud ghost moaning not sex moaning. Head stuffed and conjested sick the type of sick where even great news would be like "eh". So yeah Sick! The not so Genetic Opera
Well that is just shitty... I hope you feel better :)
@Dorsal thank you and yeah shitty lol that is why 2016 will be less shitty!!! Drinking lots of hot stuff and looking at hot stuff: umm you ;)