ok, the collection is finally complete. all seven buffy, all five angel. nice...and at an average price of $45.99, it only cost abot $550. god thinking about it in that cost per each kind of retrospect, that's a good chunk of money.
whatever. i have them all and they rock, and i would have pissed that money away on booze dope and whores by now anyway.
my sister just turned 23 on saturday, and only yesterday did i get around to ordering her presents. i got her the sg book and hoodie. i ordered a hoodie for myself, but as i was slightly inebriated at the time, ordered a medium instead of a large. well i emailed them the tracking number and let them know of my mistake. hopefully all works out, and sis isn't pissed about getting birthday presents a month late.
fucking work is kicking my ass. i only made $7 in tips this morning. granted i'm still making my normal hourly wage, but jesus, i'm opening the store by myself. taking tables and cooking at the same time for the first 2 hours until a second manager gets in, and doing prep with every minute that isn't already occupied.
long story short, most people in york are cheap bastards. half of the people that come in say, "what do you mean you won't take this expired %25 off cupon. i might as well go to denny's."
go....go to denny's. and enjoy the quality of food and service you recieve.
enough bitching.

Thank you very much. Nor can I, but I don't want to get too anxious - I know it will take quite some time.