'tis a good day for secular humanism!
DOVER, Pa. -- In a school board fight that focused on intelligent design, voters in Dover kicked out all eight incumbents, each of whom supported the district's current ID policy.
A group of Democratic challengers calling themselves Dover CARES were elected. They said they are not against intelligent design, but that they are against including it in the...
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DOVER, Pa. -- In a school board fight that focused on intelligent design, voters in Dover kicked out all eight incumbents, each of whom supported the district's current ID policy.
A group of Democratic challengers calling themselves Dover CARES were elected. They said they are not against intelligent design, but that they are against including it in the...
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i fly to vegas in 18 hours with my new lovely bride. that's right, me on a plane. the things we do for those we love...
well, i'm scared as all hell, but hey no work for a week. and assuming there is some terrorist attack planned for the start day of my honeymoon, or some tragicaly ironic mantinence failure like that one in '96,...
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well, i'm scared as all hell, but hey no work for a week. and assuming there is some terrorist attack planned for the start day of my honeymoon, or some tragicaly ironic mantinence failure like that one in '96,...
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Congratulations on the wedding!!!
Thanks so much for the comment on my practice set (SalomeM: belly dance). I'm glad you liked it and I promise the real set will be even better.
Btw, I agree that Hunter S Thompson is a god among men, but, you do realize he's dead, right? Conspiracy theories abound that the government offed him because he was about to blow the lid off official involvement in 9/11. True or not, I hope his ashes do get shot out of a cannon as he had requested.

Thanks so much for the comment on my practice set (SalomeM: belly dance). I'm glad you liked it and I promise the real set will be even better.
Btw, I agree that Hunter S Thompson is a god among men, but, you do realize he's dead, right? Conspiracy theories abound that the government offed him because he was about to blow the lid off official involvement in 9/11. True or not, I hope his ashes do get shot out of a cannon as he had requested.
So how's married life treating yoU?
so i'll be married in eleven days. i'm ready for it completely. i just want all the planning and preparing to be overwith. i need to get back to a normal life.
soon enough.
soon enough.
I'm sure you have better things to do on your honey moon then show me around town
Have fun

9 years ago today i lost a friend. it was summer, i was up late channel surfing when i saw a story on the news that a plane had exploded off the coast of new york.
it was twa flight 800 and my friend monica cox was on it. she and a group of people from the school in mountoursville where she had moved were...
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it was twa flight 800 and my friend monica cox was on it. she and a group of people from the school in mountoursville where she had moved were...
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was it completely random that you happened across the news story? would you have found out about it later?
i don't know what's worse, seeing something like that on the news, or discovering it well after the fact, and having guilt that you missed it all.
i don't know what's worse, seeing something like that on the news, or discovering it well after the fact, and having guilt that you missed it all.
so today was my lovely fiancee angie's birthday. we woke up around 8:30 this morning, which for us was a whole lot of needed sleeping in. after smoking a cigarette and downing the caffine, i handed her presents to her. after the paper was taken off, smiles abounded...setting the tone for the day.
from me she got an ipod shuffle complete with a waterproof case...
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from me she got an ipod shuffle complete with a waterproof case...
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so my boredom landed me in the "favorite movie soundtrack" thread, and just as i was about to scroll down i saw that someone had already written "suburbia" (you BETTER mean the old one) and "all over me."
so i said to myself, damnit. someone beat me to it. oh well, i guess i'll just write down a few others such as doom generation and nowhere.
oh wait.
will you marry me?
so i said to myself, damnit. someone beat me to it. oh well, i guess i'll just write down a few others such as doom generation and nowhere.
oh wait.
will you marry me?
4 days off in the last 6 days. i hate not having a set schedule. i mean it is nice after working a week and a half straight, but jesus, i'm really not looking forward to going in tomorrow. i'm sure i'll get another long ass stretch before my next day of lesiure. such is the price to pay for getting a new job with...
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So nice when people say they were waiting for the set; thank you.
so back in 1979 on the day i was born, it was a friday the 13th. not just friday the 13th, but good friday the 13th. anniversary of the day they strung jesus up on the cross. yep, some crazy dark star i was born under.
anyway, happy birthday to me...
here's a picture of the beautiful and talented radha mitchell to make me...
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so back in 1979 on the day i was born, it was a friday the 13th. not just friday the 13th, but good friday the 13th. anniversary of the day they strung jesus up on the cross. yep, some crazy dark star i was born under.
anyway, happy birthday to me...
here's a picture of the beautiful and talented radha mitchell to make me...
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Thanks for the welcome! I'm sure the numbers are large.

I got to see Elliott Smith too, in '97. He was great. I'm so excited to see Dinosaur. I can't wait!!!

hells yes. the album isn't quite finished yet, as far as i know anyway, but the anderson/butler reunion project "the tears" have shot this video.
i'm happy now. a new job that provides insurance, starting over new with a few old friends after bad endings, and now brett and bernard about to put out new music. happy times indeed.
i'm happy now. a new job that provides insurance, starting over new with a few old friends after bad endings, and now brett and bernard about to put out new music. happy times indeed.
neat thanks
Thanks so much for voting for me, I won! 

thank you muchas, my hair has grown out a few inches since taking that picture and its natural red now instead of nuclear red but that picture looks a lot more like me.
thanks for the nice set comment
Thank you very much. Nor can I, but I don't want to get too anxious - I know it will take quite some time.