I LOVE my hip-hop gig. It's definitely near my top styles to spin, and I like the venue I have (even though I have a midweek set which thins the crowd potential). I just wish I could transplant the scene somewhere with true hip-hop fans. They're so few and far between up here. I get requests for such GARBAGE sometimes, and I hate shopping for...
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Perhaps my rockstar days aren't over yet! I spent the weekend in the devastating heat (possibly the hottest day in Duluth history this past Saturday) working on music with Jess and Sean. I'd been bumming for the past few years because it seemed that all of my previous collaborators had done foolish things, like getting married, having children, becoming total assholes, etc., and had left...
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I got a new piercing!! It's my first proper piercing, done with a proper needle, in a proper piercing shop...I'm so stoked. So yeah, the center of my lip is now decorated with a 14 ga. silver hoop. My dad, inadvertantly, is the first person to see it, about 10 minutes ago. I stopped by and expected that my parents were at the cabin, and...
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You know you're high when you spend a half-hour having a conversation with one of your body parts. I feel bad for having neglected my adam's apple this long...
Okay, so I'm doing the gemini thing again--I want out...and my only consolation is that I'll lose my roommate (girlfriend) in two weeks, when she goes back home to central WI for the summer. I've just been feeling extremely stifled and smothered lately, and I desperately need a break. Until that time, however, I'm just going to force myself to behave more like the old...
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Met my girl's mom this past weekend...kinda glad I hadn't gotten pierced yet, since I appear at least somewhat respectable right now. She adored me, so I guess now that she knows who I am and what I'm like, I should go ahead and take care of that decorative stabbing. Maybe I'll wait til right before finals week--which is all too quickly approaching--so I have...
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5. Write poems using magnetic words on the fridge
this was the highpoint of last summer for me. we bought about 3 packages of those words, and i once spent about 2 hours in front of the fridge writing poems. i was the fridge poem queen. it was a sad day when we had to take them all down.
5. Write poems using magnetic words on the fridge
this was the highpoint of last summer for me. we bought about 3 packages of those words, and i once spent about 2 hours in front of the fridge writing poems. i was the fridge poem queen. it was a sad day when we had to take them all down.
Photos--some artsy, some random snapshots
Zomg...Ben looks so cherubic there! I dont believe he was ever being a brat the other day! Impossible..look at that face 

Two of my favorite chicas were at my house until nearly 1:00 this morning. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, except that I get up around 4:30-5:00 every day for work (I know, ewww). I have gotten next to no sleep since Saturday for various reasons, so I decided to put my phone to the best possible use today--calling into the office for a cough-laden...
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every spring i chop my hair down to tennis ball length and usually spend a week or so with the bitchinest hawk an old man can muster. i guess i used to be punk
ive always said retirement should come at the beginning of life and then you work till your dead. that way if you kick it early its no biggie. youve already had your fun.....go for the lip. eyebrows take forever to heal....

ive always said retirement should come at the beginning of life and then you work till your dead. that way if you kick it early its no biggie. youve already had your fun.....go for the lip. eyebrows take forever to heal....

Thanks for the tip, that's the way I was leaning anyway (assuming I don't just get both of them). Alas, my hair has to stay in its jazzy surfer state until fucking October--my best friend is getting married and I'm in her wedding, and she refuses to take the chance that it won't be long enough by then. So I guess it's just getting trimmed shortly...pisser, because it's really annoying me.
Ack, it's snowing. It had been so nice here lately (well, as nice as February can be) What a bummer.
So Valentine's day is coming up, and I couldn't be less stoked. I don't know why I'm never with anyone around this time of year...or Yule for that matter, or New Year's...but it blows. I'm rarely single in the summer, when there's plenty of sunlight...
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So Valentine's day is coming up, and I couldn't be less stoked. I don't know why I'm never with anyone around this time of year...or Yule for that matter, or New Year's...but it blows. I'm rarely single in the summer, when there's plenty of sunlight...
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Damn, another blog. Well...yeah, I doubt I'll put much of anything in here, unless I feel it might be particularly interesting to the people on SG...and really, I don't know any of you, so you probably won't read it anyways. If you do stumble upon this, and are so incredibly bored that you think, "Just who the hell is this guy?", feel free to click...
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wasnt that night, like, 89 below? your lucky you didnt frostbite the tip of your something else.
actually im not a professional tattooist....anymore at least. back when that picture was taken i was 22 and down in the cities. now that i live up here i still ink now and then but nothing like i used to. i was just thinking about how cool it would be to get back into it though. ive still got my connections to artistic outlets though so that itch gets scratched but it'd be fun to make a career out of it...if your looking i would suggest anchors end. i know theyre a bit more expensive but theyre worth it trust me. kyle grover is working on my right sleeve with me and is real laid back and cool. joe is slated to do my neck. he dont fuck around and is all buisness but hes one of the best in the world. jay is a freind of freinds and a nice dude for sure...so what are you going for first?
lets hear it....
actually im not a professional tattooist....anymore at least. back when that picture was taken i was 22 and down in the cities. now that i live up here i still ink now and then but nothing like i used to. i was just thinking about how cool it would be to get back into it though. ive still got my connections to artistic outlets though so that itch gets scratched but it'd be fun to make a career out of it...if your looking i would suggest anchors end. i know theyre a bit more expensive but theyre worth it trust me. kyle grover is working on my right sleeve with me and is real laid back and cool. joe is slated to do my neck. he dont fuck around and is all buisness but hes one of the best in the world. jay is a freind of freinds and a nice dude for sure...so what are you going for first?
lets hear it....