survey time, fuckers. i hate these, but wtf.
L A S T:
01. Last Cigarette: i dont smoke... last time i had a cigarette it was probably a few months ago to freak someone out
02. Last Kiss: ummm... a month ago, maybe?
03. Last Cry: this weekend (too much katrina footage for me)
04. Last Library Book(s) Checked Out: years ago, who knows
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theater: brothers grimm. meh..
06. Last Book Read: working on sound of the beast: a history of heavy metal
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: actually, it was kutha.
08. Last Beverage Drank: tap water
09. Last Food Consumed: vegetarian thali leftovers
11. Last TV Show Watched: dvd episodes of "Sledgehammer!"
12. Last Time Showered: this afternoon
13. Last Shoes Worn: doc marten boots.
14. Last CD played: Pimsleur's Croatian lessons
15. Last Soda Drank: ugh... who knows. coke maybe? it probably had vodka in it or something if i drank much at all.
16. Last Thing Written: "withnail & i" (i wrote this on the dvd copy i just made)
17. Last Words Spoken: "cool."
18. Last Annoyance: i spilled a bit og the paneer makani on the floor.
19. Last Time Scolded Someone: no comment...
20. Last Web Site Visited: other than SG, Art Damage
B O D Y:
01. Piercings: none
02. Tattoos: none
03. Height: 5'10"
04. Shoe size: 10.5
05. Hair color: brown
06. Siblings: oldest of four males
L A S T . . .
01. Movie you rented: i dont rent... i buy or steal
02. Movie you bought: the Moog documentary
03. Song you listened to: Opeth, "The Baying of the Hounds"
04. Song that was stuck in your head: fucking Michael MscDonald "Taking It to the Streets"
07. Person you've called: L.
08. Person that's called you: R.
10. Person you were thinking of: Baby Kitty
11. Friend you made: dunno. B., probably
01. You have a crush on someone: yep
02. You wish you could live somewhere else: sort of
03. You think about suicide: nope
04. You believe in online dating: meh
05. Others find you attractive: apparently. who knew?
06. You want more Piercings: maybe...
07. You drink: yes
08. You do drugs: occasionally
09. You smoke: nope
10. You like cleaning: sometimes
11. You like roller coasters: nope
12. You write in cursive or print: print
F O R *O R *A G A I N S T...
01. Long distance relationships: against, mostly. it's all situational though
02. Teenage smoking: against
03. Doing drugs: i'm for being smart
04. Driving drunk: against
05. Soap operas: against
H A V E Y O U . . .
01. Ever cried over a female: yep
02. Ever lied to someone: yep
04. Ever been in a fistfight: nope
05. Ever been arrested: nearly, but no
W H A T...
01. Shampoo do you use: i have no hair
02. Shoes do you wear: Docs. didn't we do this one?
03. Are you scared of: being alone
N U M B E R . . .
02. Of times you have had your heart broken? a few
03. Of hearts you have broken? a couple
04. Of drugs taken illegally? ummm... a couple
05. Of people you consider your enemies? nearly none
06. Of scars on your body? a few, nothing interesting though
07. Of things in your past that you regret? regret is a big word. i wouldnt be here without my experiences to date
L A S T:
01. Last Cigarette: i dont smoke... last time i had a cigarette it was probably a few months ago to freak someone out
02. Last Kiss: ummm... a month ago, maybe?
03. Last Cry: this weekend (too much katrina footage for me)
04. Last Library Book(s) Checked Out: years ago, who knows
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theater: brothers grimm. meh..
06. Last Book Read: working on sound of the beast: a history of heavy metal
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: actually, it was kutha.
08. Last Beverage Drank: tap water
09. Last Food Consumed: vegetarian thali leftovers
11. Last TV Show Watched: dvd episodes of "Sledgehammer!"
12. Last Time Showered: this afternoon
13. Last Shoes Worn: doc marten boots.
14. Last CD played: Pimsleur's Croatian lessons
15. Last Soda Drank: ugh... who knows. coke maybe? it probably had vodka in it or something if i drank much at all.
16. Last Thing Written: "withnail & i" (i wrote this on the dvd copy i just made)
17. Last Words Spoken: "cool."
18. Last Annoyance: i spilled a bit og the paneer makani on the floor.
19. Last Time Scolded Someone: no comment...
20. Last Web Site Visited: other than SG, Art Damage
B O D Y:
01. Piercings: none
02. Tattoos: none
03. Height: 5'10"
04. Shoe size: 10.5
05. Hair color: brown
06. Siblings: oldest of four males
L A S T . . .
01. Movie you rented: i dont rent... i buy or steal
02. Movie you bought: the Moog documentary
03. Song you listened to: Opeth, "The Baying of the Hounds"
04. Song that was stuck in your head: fucking Michael MscDonald "Taking It to the Streets"
07. Person you've called: L.
08. Person that's called you: R.
10. Person you were thinking of: Baby Kitty
11. Friend you made: dunno. B., probably
01. You have a crush on someone: yep
02. You wish you could live somewhere else: sort of
03. You think about suicide: nope
04. You believe in online dating: meh
05. Others find you attractive: apparently. who knew?
06. You want more Piercings: maybe...
07. You drink: yes
08. You do drugs: occasionally
09. You smoke: nope
10. You like cleaning: sometimes
11. You like roller coasters: nope
12. You write in cursive or print: print
F O R *O R *A G A I N S T...
01. Long distance relationships: against, mostly. it's all situational though
02. Teenage smoking: against
03. Doing drugs: i'm for being smart
04. Driving drunk: against
05. Soap operas: against
H A V E Y O U . . .
01. Ever cried over a female: yep
02. Ever lied to someone: yep
04. Ever been in a fistfight: nope
05. Ever been arrested: nearly, but no
W H A T...
01. Shampoo do you use: i have no hair
02. Shoes do you wear: Docs. didn't we do this one?
03. Are you scared of: being alone
N U M B E R . . .
02. Of times you have had your heart broken? a few
03. Of hearts you have broken? a couple
04. Of drugs taken illegally? ummm... a couple
05. Of people you consider your enemies? nearly none
06. Of scars on your body? a few, nothing interesting though
07. Of things in your past that you regret? regret is a big word. i wouldnt be here without my experiences to date
I think I've done that one before, though the answers have changed...