Hello SG!
Got myself interested in making some Hard candy recently. Been seening all these cool, beautiful and awesome handmade candy down town. Sooooooo I give it a shot! XD
This was the first try, i don't have much proper ingredient i just try out to see how this works, this how it turns out. not much of a taste and color. I kind of overdone it coz i don't have a thermometer. =P
2nd Day with a little maple flavouring.
3rd day and finally i got it perfectly with flavor and coloring. This is strawberry and i'm kinda surprise coz it taste great. =)
I'm sorry if it's to plain, i don't have time to do it with cool design, it's all done at my working place where i supposed not to do this, =P lol such rebellion! XD
Anyway thanks for viewing have a lovely day SG. =3