sounds good, i'm trying to make it out to the next SG event...whatever that maybe...i'll keep a look out for something good...heading over to check now, haven't been in there for a week or so..
In a world where who and what you are is defined more than anything by what you do,
the concept of ever having a professional enemy and a slew of nay-sayers becomes a tangled unmanageable mess to manage.
If there were ever a slight to ones character or professionalism, or anything remotely negative can be, and often is taken as a personal affront.
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I'm currently realizing the trap we set for ourselves when we do that. I'm at a point where I know that I can't keep doing what I do for many years more, but trying to find a new way to define myself approaches the impossible.
I just heard Boondocks was coming back. I was honestly surprised. I didn't watch every episode, but it's good stuff. Plus, John Witherspoon can do no wrong.
I just dropped by to join the boys club, but I checked out the vid while I was here, that's some funny shit mate a pissed squirrel falling arse over tit out of a tree, I love it
I was sent a link to the clip last night from one of my collectors. And the show has been great. Out of my 3 Kevin Smith has bought the one and the Professional piece looks to have a buyer as well. Both pieces will eventually be prints too.