I'm starvin. Need food.
Had a pretty good night last night.
Was actually able to meditate for the first time in about a year. And i think my ankles are finally healing. Might be time for me to get back on the Bball court.
Ya Heard!
oh yeah, GO LAKERS!!!!!
"let's jump upon the sharp swords
cut away our smiles without the threat of death there's no reason to live at all
my world is unaffected, there is an exit here
I say it is and its true
there is a dream inside a dream,
I'm wide awake the more I sleep
you'll understand when I'm dead
I went to god just to see, and I was looking at me
saw heaven and hell were lies
when I'm god everyone dies"
Exerpt from The Reflecting God- Marilyn Manson.
ummmmm. my prowess at thread killing has grown. Worship me, or i'll kill you're threads too!!!
Had a pretty good night last night.
Was actually able to meditate for the first time in about a year. And i think my ankles are finally healing. Might be time for me to get back on the Bball court.
Ya Heard!
oh yeah, GO LAKERS!!!!!
"let's jump upon the sharp swords
cut away our smiles without the threat of death there's no reason to live at all
my world is unaffected, there is an exit here
I say it is and its true
there is a dream inside a dream,
I'm wide awake the more I sleep
you'll understand when I'm dead
I went to god just to see, and I was looking at me
saw heaven and hell were lies
when I'm god everyone dies"
Exerpt from The Reflecting God- Marilyn Manson.
ummmmm. my prowess at thread killing has grown. Worship me, or i'll kill you're threads too!!!

It's kind of strange to me that most of the members here seem to be proffesionals, but the culture has a strong blue colar background. Old school/new school. Maybe just a technology thing.
Thread killing skills are nothing. My ability to be completly invisible trums it. * *