oh shitty fuck.
This weekend has bad.
I got suspended from my job for misreading my schedule, so i arrived an hour late.
I walked in at 3 all happy when my friend tell me i'm suspended. i'm like, wtf?
I check with a manager (whom hates me) and just tells me its my responsibility & i'm suspended for a week.
ah well, not much i can do. it is my fault, so i cant really be mad.
Also that very same day i found out the guy I liked is married with kids lo
That bastard had lied to me about everything he has said to me since we met!!
He keeps on calling & texting me, denying his wife or that he ever lied to me..boys.
Thankfully nothing happened between us, but i just hate when people lie.
There is a song that goes.."If you lie, you dont deserve to have friends."
I hate dishonest people, especially with bad intentions.
On the brightside, i already picked out my new glasses, its not the ones i wanted but i like these too.
i'll post pictures once i get them

Has anything like this happen to you?
I hope not, it sucks.
Song of the Day: "You Lied" by Green Day

Thats an awesome photo!
love the pic!!! sorry about your job honey. itll work out.