Nothing but work work work!
I'm hella exhausted, i get more mad at work now haha.
I'm excited because i have an eye doctor appointment, that means i'll be getting new glasses!!

I already have some in mind....
well minus the shades, i'll put in the clear lens in..if i can.
Last year I tried getting Wayfarer glasses, but since they were not original i couldnt..sadly these babies costs $140...so i'll see what i can do before i buy em.
If not i'll see what kind of classes i'll get.. my mom wants me to get contacts, but i rarely use them.
If you wear glasses, do you like em?
haha do you need some, but are in denial?
what do you think i should do? Wayfarer, regular boring glasses, or contacts?
Song Of The Day: "They're Unicorns, Not Horses" - Bayside
Why so envious of me??
I think you should just text me when you remember to & I'll do the same
I also think we need to hang some time