i went to a psychic the other day, it was trippy becuase she knew everything about me.
i wasnt expecting her to know so much just by reading my palms.

today was exausting, i went all over town. took a bus and a lightrail to go to a meeting and i was late...
now i have to reschedule and take my happy ass all they way over there again...lets just hope i'm not late this time. i almost went to go see a movie by myself so i wouldnt just waste my time going..but i didnt.
i'll see what other adventures i have in store for me tomorrow!!
do you believe in psychics? In anything spiritual?
Have you ever gone to the movie theaters by yerself?
Song Of The Day: "Carmensita" - Devendra Banhart

Ok cool, can't wait to hear about that 

I went to a psyhic one time @ a holiistic medicine event.. That shit is trippy, cause it was all true about me @ the time, what she said.. But all I could picture the whole time is the psyhic from the dirt mall in Mallrats with the 3rd nipple.. And was wondering if she was gonna take it off and lick it.. lol.. Im workin on that whole rut situation..