Hey everyone! click HERE! to watch me and Marco tattooing! I am more towards the end of the video.
You can also check out another video there of Suicide Girl fractal getting her hand tattooed by her husband Nak. (just scroll down a little bit and click on the video labeled "Fractal Of SuicideGirls Gets InkedUp")
Below are some new tattoos that I have done. Let me know if you want a tatty!

tattoo in progress

Tattoo in progress

You can also check out another video there of Suicide Girl fractal getting her hand tattooed by her husband Nak. (just scroll down a little bit and click on the video labeled "Fractal Of SuicideGirls Gets InkedUp")
Below are some new tattoos that I have done. Let me know if you want a tatty!

tattoo in progress

Tattoo in progress

that's absolutely incredible work!! i want one! when i come to LA for my trip kelly has promised me a wild night out... perhaps followed by a day in the chair?
word son.