Yesterday I went to the emergency room because I was having an anxiety attack at work. I was just sitting and typing at work and I blacked out and when I recovered from that I couldn't breathe and on top of that I was having horrible heart pains, I thought I was having a heart attack. I went to the hospital and they did all this shit to me. They took about six capsules of blood, they gave me an x-ray in my chestal region and the nurse gave me a shot. I can handle getting my blood taken but when they gave me a shot it fucking hurt like a bitch. The nurse said that the fluid would burn and it did. Anyway, the doctor said everything looked fine so I was happy that I wasn't having a heart attack. It's amazing how stress can cause so much physical pain. Today I feel better. I still have a lot of chest pain and shortness of breathe but it's a lot better compared to yesterday. I need a vacation or I am really going to die. I am flying first class to Mauii on the 12th for two weeks! I am so excited. This will be my first vacation in three years. I plan on quitting my job after my super nice paid vacation. Yayah! When I quit I will get to go to the tattoo shop a lot more! In my last journal entry my new tattoo didn't show up so I am posting it again. I actually tattooed this on myself with the help of Nathan Kostechko and Marco at Tried and True tattoo studio in Moreno Valley California. It's my second tattoo that I have tattooed and received...haha funny

Bless ya!