Xmas is looming, I'm getting very excited! For those of you who don't know, I'm a very very Christmassy person! I love the lights and decorations, the music in the shops, baking festive shaped foods and most of all buying presents! I have come to realize over the years that my passion for present buying comes from a slightly bizarre place in that I LOVE to shop but am often far too poor to expend precious funds on myself without feeling seriously guilty. Present buying is the absolute solution to this as I can shop without feeling any guilt knowing I am sharing my small funds with those dear to me! It also comes from enjoying to test myself. I like to spend ages finding the perfect gifts for people as sort of a test for how well I know them and the sense of achievement that I get from knowing I've bought kick ass things for people. I do go a bit overboard though... still no guilt here just a shoppers satisfied glow
Wrapping the gifts is also a big thing for me. Picking the perfect paper and ribbon and bows to make them look as inviting outside as they are inside and also increasing the anticipation for the person about to open it.
I love Christmas.
I know I haven't updated much. Life has been a bit hectic and I'm exhausted most of the time. I've been a bit ill as well which has left me feeling run down and apathetic but I'm getting back in the swing of things now. I've been seeing someone for a while now and things have gotten serious so I've decided it's about time to unveil my new lover to the world of SG.
Everyone meet Luke. My man candy and lover extrordinere. I am very happy.
I think that's about all for now... Will update again soon. Wish I had a camera though
Love Dixy

I love Christmas.
I know I haven't updated much. Life has been a bit hectic and I'm exhausted most of the time. I've been a bit ill as well which has left me feeling run down and apathetic but I'm getting back in the swing of things now. I've been seeing someone for a while now and things have gotten serious so I've decided it's about time to unveil my new lover to the world of SG.

Everyone meet Luke. My man candy and lover extrordinere. I am very happy.
I think that's about all for now... Will update again soon. Wish I had a camera though

Love Dixy
This new years is as book of 365 blank pages. It is up to you to write the history and coloring it of emotions. Happy New magic Year to you special friend!! alots of kisses!!!