So I'm sorry I've been away after such a heavy blog but I've been working a lot and my Internet is still boned. I fear for my laptop forgetting how to operate Internet after such a long absence like how it is very hard to do maths i you don't do it or years! Speaking of Uni you'll be pleased to hear that I'm passing and actually scored 80% on an essay titled 'Is HIV the causative pathogen of AIDS' I'm very proud of myself. I've been pretty bad with going to class but I have a month to revise for 2 exams so I'm sure i can manage that.
I celebrated my achievement by going to see the Amphetamenies last night where I consumed 8 pints of Furstenberg in a short space of time and fell off a bar stool onto my boss (who was already on the floor and was in fact the reason I fell over due to laughter and poor balance) I remember none of this... Although the gig was good, I just about remember it all! Huzzah!
Here are some Amphetameanies for you to enjoy.
I've been drunk a lot lately, here is an example of a night out with my collegues...
I had another awesome gig experience last Monday... I went to see Slipknot. OH MY BABY JESUS. (I've been adapting my profanities to more seasonal efforts) It's quite funny actually I'd only just that day been diagnosed with a chest infection and given steroids and really crazy anti-biotics and another inhaler... I've had pretty brutal problems with my chest recently! Anyway I digress we got there got to the barrier just off to the left and hung on for dear life, with my inhaler in my hand puffing away like fuck just to breathe. Now slipknot gigs can be pretty hard on the breathing when in full health, let alone when breathing in the middle of a field would be troublesome. Anyway they were perfect and I made it through the whole gig. They played Prosthetics, me and the wife almost cried.
What else what else...
Oh yeah so it's Christmas, I'm deeply excited. I am very big on Christmas and I''m all ready to go! I have many many events over the next 2 weeks and lots of shifts at work it's gonna be a riot and I'm gonna earn lots of cash too!
I gotta start revising after New Year though pass my exams then on the 25th me and my beautiful wife return to Los Angeles! We've got so much planned to do, I'm not entirely sure how we're gonna fit it all in!
Ah excitement!
Anyway I'm in the Wife's bed and she wants to go to sleep so I gotta go.
But I do still have 2 sets in Member Review and I really would love to have a new live set...
12 Rounds
The Animal In Me
Goodnight World!