hello all!!
i've been too busy to update lately but just so you know, i think of you often.
wow, i sound just like a man.
anyways, its my frist day off in a long while so i thought we could catch up a bit.
so, how've you been? good, good. ok, now my turn. i've been in vegas. shopping. not this whole time, just last weekend. i got these new shoes. super high black stilletos with black chiffon ribbons that lace around the ankle. these shoes make me irresistable to ALL! i also got a dress. i know, a dress. now i just need somewhere to go and someone to take me.
i also got cast in a MGD beer comercial.
ha, ha. beer. i got to be "girl walking up the street" i made more money on that 2 day shoot than i do in a whole month at my regular job. damn.
i saw death from above 1979at the indedpendant last week. they rock my socks. drummers that can sing WELL always impress.
im totally addicted to the latest QOTSA album. i never came. best song ever.
did i ever tell you about that time i touched josh homme.....
i've been too busy to update lately but just so you know, i think of you often.
wow, i sound just like a man.
anyways, its my frist day off in a long while so i thought we could catch up a bit.
so, how've you been? good, good. ok, now my turn. i've been in vegas. shopping. not this whole time, just last weekend. i got these new shoes. super high black stilletos with black chiffon ribbons that lace around the ankle. these shoes make me irresistable to ALL! i also got a dress. i know, a dress. now i just need somewhere to go and someone to take me.
i also got cast in a MGD beer comercial.
i saw death from above 1979at the indedpendant last week. they rock my socks. drummers that can sing WELL always impress.
im totally addicted to the latest QOTSA album. i never came. best song ever.
did i ever tell you about that time i touched josh homme.....
the weeks are a blur and the work schedule just cranked up a few notches due to timelines due dates and lack of logistics, the tendency to blame without accountability. sooo i am running like the devil...
motorhead & coc was cool. how was mastodon? the eodm si this weekend no?