wasup people.
im so happy today! for many many reasons. but mostly because i heard from someone today who i wasn't expecting to hear from and it really made my day!! don't you just love that? when just the thought of someone or the sound of their voice makes you all smiles! im lucky i have so many cool people in my life right now.
infact, i just got in from having drinks with a very cool lady friend. she just got a FIERCE new tattoo! ( yeah, i said fierce) we had to celebrate. AND while we were out, i saw SG Tina.
WOW!! is she beautiful or what! and in person, she's just a vision of lovlieness! i hope she didnt notice us staring.
hmmm... what else. oh yeah, check out my new pics, if you haven't already. now all my tattoos are finally represented, thanks to Pekopoko and his fancy camera. now that guy, he's special! but special in a good way, not special in a short bus way.
OH NO !!!
only 17 more days untill the Motley Crue concert and no one has gotten me tickets yet!! cant some kind soul help out a girl in need? come on. picture it. me, you, and the CRUE!
im so happy today! for many many reasons. but mostly because i heard from someone today who i wasn't expecting to hear from and it really made my day!! don't you just love that? when just the thought of someone or the sound of their voice makes you all smiles! im lucky i have so many cool people in my life right now.
infact, i just got in from having drinks with a very cool lady friend. she just got a FIERCE new tattoo! ( yeah, i said fierce) we had to celebrate. AND while we were out, i saw SG Tina.
hmmm... what else. oh yeah, check out my new pics, if you haven't already. now all my tattoos are finally represented, thanks to Pekopoko and his fancy camera. now that guy, he's special! but special in a good way, not special in a short bus way.
OH NO !!!
i'll take both the hug and the slap, to help remind me of the balance in life, the yin and the yang, that with every good comes some bad.... but mostly because i'm a bit of kinky motherfucker
something like... oh... i dunno. i got s o m e ideas but what do you think?