I dont know why , but I hate these brightly colored little things . The manual ones people used to make were mildly annoying , but these cute little ones piss me off .
I'm afraid of them , which probably comes from the same source that makes me uncomfortable around clowns or santa claus . If I see either walking my way I cross the street . People wearing santa hats give me the urge to jump off a bridge . In the summer it's different. Then it makes sense .
My two most loathed emoticons are these two; , . I'd like to kick them .
Hey Im clever! I Just stole ice cream from that kid and he didnt even notice!! "
People are gaining growing distance from each other . First the telegraph, telephone, and now the internet . With other communication stuff in between, but those are the big ones . Letter writing has always been a good form of expression , second only in intimacy to face to face talk.
Now even digital communication is being replaced by little munchkin thingies .
Off the subject, but in the same neighborhood . Why do so many people on SG proclaim themselves to be Nerds or Giant Dorks or both ?
I always picture the nerds wrinkling their noses to push up their bulky, badly scratched glasses, carrying two laptops, talking in head-set cell phones, a backpack full of computer manuals, and playing video games on their hand-helds .
For Giant Dorks I picture someone like 7 feet tall and 400 pounds, knocking a glass off their table at a restaurant, trying to catch the glass and knocking over the salt and pepper shakers which fly through the air and hit a neighboring table sending food flying, and when they get up to clean the neighboring table their pants fall down .
Why do lots of people comment to sets this way:
I'm afraid of them , which probably comes from the same source that makes me uncomfortable around clowns or santa claus . If I see either walking my way I cross the street . People wearing santa hats give me the urge to jump off a bridge . In the summer it's different. Then it makes sense .
My two most loathed emoticons are these two; , . I'd like to kick them .
Hey Im clever! I Just stole ice cream from that kid and he didnt even notice!! "
People are gaining growing distance from each other . First the telegraph, telephone, and now the internet . With other communication stuff in between, but those are the big ones . Letter writing has always been a good form of expression , second only in intimacy to face to face talk.
Now even digital communication is being replaced by little munchkin thingies .
Off the subject, but in the same neighborhood . Why do so many people on SG proclaim themselves to be Nerds or Giant Dorks or both ?
I always picture the nerds wrinkling their noses to push up their bulky, badly scratched glasses, carrying two laptops, talking in head-set cell phones, a backpack full of computer manuals, and playing video games on their hand-helds .
For Giant Dorks I picture someone like 7 feet tall and 400 pounds, knocking a glass off their table at a restaurant, trying to catch the glass and knocking over the salt and pepper shakers which fly through the air and hit a neighboring table sending food flying, and when they get up to clean the neighboring table their pants fall down .
Why do lots of people comment to sets this way:
Thank you so much for your comment on my set!
Yeah, there should be more drug free people around that's for sure. The photo tour sounds interesting, yes. People so rarely show me anything from their cities.. and I show you guys a lot. So, it will be fun to get to see something for once.