no love on century boulevard

Picture a bar somewhere close to the LA Airport in 2006. The smog is thick. No possibility of sunlight being refracted to paint the landscape in color. Instead it's grainy tombstone granite. There's more Carl's Jr. and Jack-in-the-Box litter than McDonald's. You're hopelessly lost in the dangerous part of any desolate city.

The lava rock moat around the building looks...
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Nice. I like snapshots and you know it. Thanks for "my" pic too! ARRR!!!
The Earth will inherit the Meek. I heard that line from my Mighty Threes CD.

Officer Hotness

I was standing at the light at Pine and the North Precinct when a female officer walked up. I casually glanced as people do, and oh my!

The first thing I noticed was her naturally blond curly hair. It was cut slightly below the collar, parted in the middle, and framed her face perfectly. She was about 6 feet tall, lanky with perfect...
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Svetlana Kovaleva -- My Russian Siren

** Check out Svetlana's photos in my pics folder.

I got a message in my email saying someone on MySpace sent me a message. I only joined MySpace so I could see electric's hot modeling photos.

The message was from Svetlana. She said, "I most attractive your photo and hope you mine as well." The message was sweet...
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it was in ohio wink columbus.... see its not as horrible as everybody thinks wink
Sorry It's a bit late, But thanks so much for the comment on my debut set!!!
Recently my computer got virused up and I used a free service http://www.spybot.info/ to fix the problems, but opportunistic pop-ups made it look like a treacherous road.


(edit later)

My computer started to get a little strange with pop-ups saying, "critical warning!" To me that sounded like I should run.

Then creepy things popped up saying I was infected with myzorg.exe or some other...
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Ha ha. That guy does indeed seem... interesting. Yeah, wait till you're done and put it up as a journal later or something that would be fun.
Ha ha! No! I don't have a problem with THAT.

That was not it. I just took off people I hadn't written with in a long time, or don't know AT ALL and I have enough stress to keep up with those I know who they are at least.. more than Hi, have a good weekend - style.

+ I thought you didn't use this site much anyway. ooo aaa
Receita Erotic

Seu corpo nude sob as folhas emocionante. Voc nervoso e tmido. O scent de seu cabelo intoxicating eltrico! O softness de sua garganta, convidando.

Eu beijo sua garganta lentamente e passionately. Em ambos os lados, s vezes sob seu queixo. Eu trabalho minha maneira abaixo seu corpo luscious e comeo a beijar seus peitos, fazendo crculos lentos com minha lingeta em torno de...
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Yeah, sure. ARRR!!!

Having a good week?
I dont know why confused, but I hate these brightly colored little things mad. The manual ones people used to make were mildly annoying whatever, but these cute little ones piss me off ARRR!!!.

I'm afraid of them bok, which probably comes from the same source that makes me uncomfortable eeek around clowns or santa claus surreal. If I see either walking my way I cross...
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Thank you so much for your comment on my set! kiss
Yeah, there should be more drug free people around that's for sure. The photo tour sounds interesting, yes. People so rarely show me anything from their cities.. and I show you guys a lot. So, it will be fun to get to see something for once. biggrin