well i think i may have made one of my friends mad or dissapointed in me don't really know yet hope i did'nt.
still have'nt found anyone that wants me yet as in a relationship don't if i will find one seems liek everyone i'm interested in is out of my league.

maybe i'll find her soon
jan 24 2004

well today was a so so day i guess i still don't have a date or a gf for valentines day which is also my birthday so its starting to suck real bad i just have that feeling you know.
maybe i can talk brit brit into coming to alabama and spending the weekend with me on my birthday ~~~cough*hint*cough heh sorry...
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today is jan 21 2004

sorry guys i forgot to metion it i can't find my pics yet but when i do i will upload them

[Edited on Jan 24, 2004 5:40PM]
today is jan 21 of 2004

i was lookign for tattoos and i found a young woman on sg that looks absolutly beautiful adn i'm wanting to knwo more about her and what shes like,

i've been thinking about my x some and i don't want to be mad but it make me mad about how all of it just went you just don't spend...
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