well today was easter. and damn, for future reference, if you're planning on waking up at 7:00 in the morning to get dressed for church & see the parents, DON'T throw a partry at your place the night before, DON'T drink mass quantities of tequila and coors, and above all, when you wake up and there's 13 people sleeping on the floor, DON'T offer that 'one chick' a ride even if she's cute...because she lives an HOUR OUT OF THE WAY MORON!..ok anyhow, yeah i still made it. a bit late, but the food was worth the visit. damn..god willing, i'm gonna be a fat ass before the week is over
oh yeah, CelticBootgirl, that trick with the bleach worked... wtf is wrong with these people.. throwing up at other people's apartments is no fuckin bueno...
ok i'm done rambling. happy easter to all!

ok i'm done rambling. happy easter to all!

You have nice eyes tho.