I'm a fucking maniac.
Actually I just got back from a bike ride. I started out. It was already dark, windy, cold, foggy.
I rode through GG Park all the way out to the beach. I didn't care. I was riding and riding. On my usual route there are certain stretches of road where there's no light at all and no sound and if feels like wildnerness. I could barely see where I was headed. Where was the road going? Was I on it? Will I crash into a tree? wipe out in a ditch? I couldn't say. I was flying through empty space. The Ether. And then my bikelight started dimming out on me. Fucking batteries! Dying. No! I could barely see what was around me much less what was ahead. I white knuckeled it and kept on going. The light did die and to my amazement I could see. What was obscured by the glare of my headlight was now visible through the darkness. There was light, just enough that I could see the fog billowing it's mist in my eyes, the road winding its way up ahead like a luminescent snake, the lake off to my right like black glass. I traveled through this for quite some time and I actually enjoyed it. The danger and the beauty, being scared and excited all at once. What hidden treaures I have discovered. Up ahead there was a lamp that illuminated the road and I emerged into light.
To be repeated again at the earliest opportunity.
Mr. X
Actually I just got back from a bike ride. I started out. It was already dark, windy, cold, foggy.
I rode through GG Park all the way out to the beach. I didn't care. I was riding and riding. On my usual route there are certain stretches of road where there's no light at all and no sound and if feels like wildnerness. I could barely see where I was headed. Where was the road going? Was I on it? Will I crash into a tree? wipe out in a ditch? I couldn't say. I was flying through empty space. The Ether. And then my bikelight started dimming out on me. Fucking batteries! Dying. No! I could barely see what was around me much less what was ahead. I white knuckeled it and kept on going. The light did die and to my amazement I could see. What was obscured by the glare of my headlight was now visible through the darkness. There was light, just enough that I could see the fog billowing it's mist in my eyes, the road winding its way up ahead like a luminescent snake, the lake off to my right like black glass. I traveled through this for quite some time and I actually enjoyed it. The danger and the beauty, being scared and excited all at once. What hidden treaures I have discovered. Up ahead there was a lamp that illuminated the road and I emerged into light.
To be repeated again at the earliest opportunity.
Mr. X