Well last night I finally hooked up with that girl that I 've been chasing. She actually emailed me and said she wanted to hang out... with me. So I called her and we chatted on the phone for about 20 minutes. Then I invited her up to see my new apartment here at Page and Divisadero. So she said she'd come up in a few hours. Great! That gave me just enough time to clean my room, hide the porn, do the dishes and vacuum. By the time I got tired of doing everything she called and told me that she was on her way. So Anyway she shows up, I show her my new digs, she shows me her website that she's been working on and we go out for dinner and drinks. I really wanted to show her some affection. I mean up to now it's just been hugs and conversation, nothing heavy. So I wanted to kiss her. It's seems a bit awkward for me to try and make a move. I don't know. I walked her home and as i said good bye I kissed her on the cheek. And then I ran out the door. I was drunk too so to speak. What's wrong with me? I should have hugged her and kissed her some more. I wanted to. But damn i wonder if she feels the same way about me.
I sure could use a make out lesson here.
Today i went on a really long ass bike ride in SF. I have this roadbike that rides like glass And I must have rode 25 miles today. So anyway I was down at the embarcadero and I had to pee like a madman. I found one of those public toilets that are self cleaning and I waited behind this older woman to use it. So the door opens and she walks in and then jumps out saying: "I'm not going in there!" and then the door closes behind her. She walks away and I just say "No!". You see the maximum time limit that a person stays in there is 20 minutes. Then the door opens, closes, and the cleaning cycle begins. So I was looking at a half hour just to pee. And I mean I had to go really bad. I get on my bike and look for an alley a dumpster, a hiding place... ANYTHING! No. there's just too many people. Fuck I just decide to ride all the way home and hope I don't piss my pants. Well I made it and must have peed for 5 minutes! Man next time I'll just whip it out and piss in da' bay. Ooops sorry that would be polluting it wouldn't it?
Mr. X
I sure could use a make out lesson here.
Today i went on a really long ass bike ride in SF. I have this roadbike that rides like glass And I must have rode 25 miles today. So anyway I was down at the embarcadero and I had to pee like a madman. I found one of those public toilets that are self cleaning and I waited behind this older woman to use it. So the door opens and she walks in and then jumps out saying: "I'm not going in there!" and then the door closes behind her. She walks away and I just say "No!". You see the maximum time limit that a person stays in there is 20 minutes. Then the door opens, closes, and the cleaning cycle begins. So I was looking at a half hour just to pee. And I mean I had to go really bad. I get on my bike and look for an alley a dumpster, a hiding place... ANYTHING! No. there's just too many people. Fuck I just decide to ride all the way home and hope I don't piss my pants. Well I made it and must have peed for 5 minutes! Man next time I'll just whip it out and piss in da' bay. Ooops sorry that would be polluting it wouldn't it?
Mr. X
long bike rides and bladders are so incompatible... it seems to get me more than once in a while... indeed a shame.