Thursday Dec 05, 2002 Dec 5, 2002 0 Facebook Tweet Email Yeah i'm back... I had to hide for a few days. I didn't know how much you guys loved me! -X VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS mcqueen: HAHHAHAHA... oh..."simulated." I thought it read, "STIMulated." You know we love you...well, not LOVE like a friend way...oh never mind. Dec 6, 2002 division_x: Everything was kind of hairy there for a bit. Too much homework, housework, work. The whole world was fallinng down all around me. But yet I have weathered the storm, wow I've got some batlle damage. Man I wish I could be bored. I miss the boredome. Dec 6, 2002
I thought it read, "STIMulated."
You know we love you...well, not LOVE like a friend way...oh never mind.