What a day. I like days like today where the weather is nice and and and I don't have to be anywhere or do anything. just kick it you know. But I went out and cruised down to The Mission. Went to this used bookstore on 16th near Guerrero and found this great book "LuLu in Hollywood" wow umhum. And this girl that works there is super cute too I mean I kept looking at her as I browsed through the books. I shoulda small talked her when I checked out. Then on the way back I was walking and these two film students with an 8mm set up asked me to pose in their film. So I did. Well in some way I feel like I've been imortalized. Man what a great day in the city by the bay.
when you get a chance, give me your thoughts on the brit bikes. You know I love me some Nortons, but what about parts/availability? Best years to look for? Norton vs. Triumph vs. BSA.
I've always wanted a Brit bike. But I've spent the last 10 years on Japanese cycles. I'm thinking of selling my 900 Honda soon. nd i want to use the cash for my dream bike. And like a true engineers son, I want mass as much info and rider opinions as I can...