Im in San Francisco visiting my family. I'm gonna shoot a set tommorow with Edmark So Im excited about that-- and SOOOOOOOOO excited to leave for the Panic! at the Disco tour this Sunday. We will be in Miami for a week rehearsing then out on the road we go. There has been a little drama these past few days with a girl that was a close friend of mine for a while. It makes me sad that someone that I opened my life too would act in the way she did. She tried to go after the guy I was hanging out with. I don't fight for guys, and I knew her attempts wouldnt work, which they didnt, but then I got home and she had written me a not nice email saying I was manipulative and untrust worthy--- I so dont get it, it makes no sense, and it makes me sad. I'm really starting to see when people say mean things they are usually their own insecurities they are trying to pass off--projection. But none-the-less I have done nothing but be there for this girl as she went through some tough times. I send her lots of love and hope she find happiness-- But we sure are not friends anymore-- so anyway, Im just chilling with my sisters. The guy i was hanging out with's band is on tour and perfomed up here on Saturday, so I got to hang out with him in my home town which was sorta cool. My sisters loved him, which is even better, cause they hated my last boyfriend. But how do you have a relationship when BOTH parties are on tour??? Anyway, off to get some beauty rest. . .gotta get it while I can--
And so will new set!
Come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look forward to the new set. One is never enough, no matter how delicious.