This week’s blog homework is to tell all about my pro-tips for traveling.... welllll I wouldn’t consider myself to be a pro-traveler (unless you mean in basketball 🤣 *ba-dum-ting*)
Okay let’s forget I made that joke 👆🏼
Anyhow, I figure that any tips I could come up with would be amateur at best. So, I looked back through some of the past blog topics, and this one really stood out to me.
@missy @rambo
What are 5 things I wish I could’ve told myself 5 years ago?
For starters, let’s talk about where I was 5 years ago...
Meet 21 year old, little Pix. I was partying every weekend, had terrible taste in men, valued myself based on my appearance, and working a retail job that was draining the life out of me.
I was sexually assaulted that year, and my controlling ex of 5 years wouldn’t let me break up with him. So, I packed all of my things and ran away to San Diego. I stopped eating, cut ties with almost everyone in my hometown, and became a girl I didn’t recognize.
I can clearly remember where I was mentally in this time period. I was not being strong for myself. I depended on cannabis to calm my anxiety and sometimes would eat a meal After smoking. I also drank myself silly whenever I had the opportunity. I was so isolated that I only made one friend in the year I lived in San Diego.. and that was @mylittlesiren 💕
So, if 26 year old Pixen could turn back time and tell 21 year old little Pix any 5 things, what would it be?
• Pertaining to the assault I was recovering from:
“You are strong, little Pix. You will make it through this obstacle and become an amazing woman. This experience does not define you.”
• Advice on dating/relationships:
“None of these BOYS deserve you. YOU are the prize. If he doesn’t see that, tell him to kick rocks. Stand up for yourself, girl!”
• Thoughts on my eating habits (or lack there of):
“You deserve to be fueled, fed, and comfortable. You are a masterpiece, like no one else. Nurture your temple.”
• About the partying...
“CHILL. You don’t need to put yourself in these situations. You can be happy elsewhere, just find your peace and your purpose.”
• Overall:
“Situations are temporary. You will love and lose, then live and learn. Self pity will hinder your growth. Sure, your roots are in the past; but your branches are in the future. You will continue to grow. Water yourself.”
All in all, 26 year old Pix still has a lot to learn. Though I really have taken past experiences and turned them into lessons of growth. I think the main message I’d send to my 21 year old self is this: I can and will be happy with who I am and what I’ve lived through ❤️
As always, thanks to the boss ladies mentioned above for the weekly blog topics!
And if you read through my whole blog, thank you for spending time to learn about the hot mess of my early twenties!
Until next time 😘
Modern day Pixen