Hey cuties!
The past two weeks of blog homeworks aren't topics that I resonate with much, so I was scrolling through old topics and I really found this one interesting! I like this topic because it has totally made my mind run in circles over complete silliness. There are so many characters that I absolutely love, but not as many that I relate to. So I felt challenged at first to rack my brain through memories of characters and their personalities -- and how they relate to mine. Here is what I came up with!
1. Crysta from Ferngully
I chose Crysta because of her love for the forest and her naive nature. The overall message of this movie, to me, is so relevant to our current environmental state. I am one who feels at home when I'm standing with trees. Something about breathing in those ions is so damn refreshing. Knowing that each wild plant has the ancestry of ALL life (plant, animal, and mankind) as part of its history gives me a sense of connection to this planet. I believe in the best of people, the way Crysta believes in the best of humans. It is hard for me to assume that someone has ill intent and even when I have that feeling, I try my best to give the benefit of the doubt.
2. Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter
Luna's "distinct dottiness" really resonates with me. I have always felt and been considered odd amongst groups and in society itself. My intellect has been questioned because of my seemingly airy demeanor. However, I love the way Luna continues unapologetically to be who she is! Growing up reading the books, going to release parties, and premiers of movies with Luna in a role of importance taught me to just let my freak flag fly. A lot of my whimsy was compared to her while I was maturing, and now as an adult I have kept this attribute as a sole characteristic!
3. Marie from Aristocats
Now, this is funny to me because she is so different than the last two characters. Marie is determined to be lady like. Because of this, she can be quite prissy. And along with my whimsy and love of the environment, I can totally relate to the "prim and proper" ideals of Marie. Along with this, she is a hopeless romantic and a day dreamer. She also enjoys the rough and tumble of scrapping with her two brothers. While I enjoy dressing up, dazzling, and being lady like; I often get lost in thought and find excitement in playful altercations. "Ladies never start fights, but they can finish them" has been a motto of mine since childhood!
So imagine a mashup of these three personalities, and of course add my flare! Now I'm curious, who would you say are the three characters that describe you!?