wondering what........
why should I be thinking so much about what is or if
how could it of spun itself into what it is so fast
riduculously fast into a web of thoughts sprend so vastly amongst an empty, numb mass
energy and being alive is what it brought out
but for some reason............theirs too many questions
Jump or run or both or just bang my head on the wall
guess time will tell, time kills and then starts over again
only to reveal the same quesions with no answers
Does anybody ever win........do they really lose?
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guess its time to clean up the dog piss.....
Weird... sinus headaches make me wanna write........whats wrong with me.
why should I be thinking so much about what is or if
how could it of spun itself into what it is so fast
riduculously fast into a web of thoughts sprend so vastly amongst an empty, numb mass
energy and being alive is what it brought out
but for some reason............theirs too many questions
Jump or run or both or just bang my head on the wall
guess time will tell, time kills and then starts over again
only to reveal the same quesions with no answers
Does anybody ever win........do they really lose?
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guess its time to clean up the dog piss.....
Weird... sinus headaches make me wanna write........whats wrong with me.
You are so fucking hot!! I <3 you Ryan!
monkey roo!!!!!