Welcome to my blog about me talking about my dick.
Since for whatever reason I’m not allowed to show it here on this website I figured I’d talk about it instead.
That’s right I’m breaking the ✨ illusion ✨I’m supposed to uphold that I’m just like all the rest of the girls on this website and have a vagina and am not showing it for “personal” reasons.
I in fact have a dick and you know what my favorite part of it is?
It’s feminine.
That’s right my dick is feminine and I’m proud to have her.
I’m never going to get bottom surgery or “sexual confirmation surgery” if your a medical term fanatic. I have no problem being a woman with a dick. In fact I am extremely proud of it. I walk head held high that I am one of the .01% of girls in this country that’s got one. She’s great. She’s never heard a single complaint from any sexual partner I have had man, women, non-binary person, doesn’t matter she has always performed well.
The ladies like it cause it will never gets them unexpectedly pregnant.
The men like it cause it’s an aesthetic they can appreciate and they never have to worry about finding my clit.
Non-binary people like it because it belongs to a women breaking “gender norms”, smashing the patriarchy, and eliminating the belief that if you can’t procreate you aren’t a “real women”
Do I experience daily discrimination because of this?
You bet.
Do I experience violence because of this?
Yep sure do.
Do I have to tell everyone who ever tries dating me that I have it?
For my safety, yes.
Does it affect every aspect of my life? Including: where I can live, where I can work, what type of work I can do, who I love, who loves me, having a family, and receiving basic human decency.
It sure does.
Do I think I deserve “special treatment” because of it?
No I actually would love to just be treated equally.
This may all be news to some of you but it’s my daily life and I’m not hiding anything. I live fully out, authentically me, and most importantly proud of who i am.
I am an activist I fight everyday trying to get the baseline human decency many women take advantage of. I am constantly fetishized and my worth is almost always associated with how great my dick is.
I try my hardest everyday to be treated like any other women. I can’t wear pants or clothes associated with what people think a man wears because I will In fact be called a man.
I had to get a doctors note to get a passport that says I’m a female it took the passport office nearly a year to give me a passport all because I have a dick.
I had to pay hundreds of dollars unwillingly just to be recognized as a women by the country that I put my life on the line for (yes I was in the military).
Even with all of the: pain, suffering, being disowned by my parents, losing all my friends, having multiple relationships fail because of the amount of discrimination I face, and the intense fetishization of my body. I wouldn’t change a single thing.
It’s who i am and not one person will ever take that from me. To all the men out there who worry about their own dicks. Is it big enough? Will it perform well? Will she like it? Just remember this, it’s who you are hold your head high you kings because no one will ever be able to put you down if you truly love yourself. Your whole self.
I love y’all. We all deserve love and know there are women out there who will love you no matter the length or girth of your dick because when a person loves another they love them for there whole self unconditionally not just because your shit swang.
Yes I do have a tattoo below my ass that says “trans pride”
Be proud,
Diva Divina
Photos by Chrystalstarrportraits