You'll be seeing more of me. I bought a new Dgital camera. this is the best pic of myself I have taken yet. It was on a 4 sec exposure. kinda hard to sit that still that long, oh well, I'm learning. I will add some fucking awesome graphitti pics tomorrow.
Today was the worst @ work. God damn, I just want to go in, do my shit and leave. That never happens. We are over worked, over stressed, and it seems like everytime I turn around, some kind of benefit is being taken from me. Rumors are abound that the powers that be, are going to remove the double time pay (over 48 hour is 2X). That is the only thing that makes this job worth the time I spend there. I usually work 60-70 hrs/week. If they take out the 2X, I WILL FUCKING FIND ANOTHER JOB!!! I don't hate my job, I just can't stand the politics and Motherfucking bullshit that come with a corporate company of this size. It is crazy the shit they put people through in this place. FUCK. ok, enough of the complaining........
Besides that, I had a great time with my friend Aaron Adamo this last weekend (see Fav. Artist). We have a current project we are working on now. hell, i think that there are pics of the begining of it in one of my folders. I think I'll go out with him again this weekend to Broadways. I like the people in that place. Not to mention, the bartender and the door guy are fuckin' cool as hell.
Well, Thanks for letting me vent. I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow.

[Edited on Aug 15, 2004 9:22AM]