Welly, welly, welly, well. time to update the ol' journal! This past weekend was cool. I went to several shows: Labiators, Drugmoney, Monsters of Japan, Fist Family, Tameone, Simple Mathematics, and a couple others. Some Friends and I were going to see De La Soul Friday night. We waited in a packed out crowd for like 2 hours, outdoors, in the heat and humidity just to have them no-show. I was less than thrilled....... oh, well
More bad news: My Hands and feet are COVERED in Poison Ivy. It is making me miserable!
I think i got it on a canoe trip last week
That about it for now..... later
More bad news: My Hands and feet are COVERED in Poison Ivy. It is making me miserable!

I think i got it on a canoe trip last week
That about it for now..... later

Poison Ivy!? I don't even want to know what kind of state you are in... just a little itchiness, drives me insane!
(thanks for your sweet comment.) Are you going to curiosa?

No, I don't haven't got the trilogy yet, but I do have the Greatest Hits DVD, which is great. Curiosa, is the tour that Cure is about to be doing any day now! You should see if they are going to be in your area. I decided not to go, because I have too much going on during that time, which sucks. I think I can deal though, I have already seen them twice... I'll catch them again. Have you had a chance to see them yet?!