Just been to town for a drink...but the football was on :s why does it turn men into complete apes that feel the need to beat eachother up just because some overpaid footballer had a tantrum and lost the game!
Weekend has been mediocer (cant remember how its spelt) I order two cool cd's arkham asylum and black comedy. Will let you know what i think when i get them (anticipating good things though from what iv already heard). Plucked up the drunken courage to actually try to chat up a girl on friday, was very funny
and yet very unsuccesful. One day my nervous ramblings will work, hehe.
Have borrowed metropolis the manga film off a friend, so gona ewatch that soon...looks really cool.
Found out that KMFDM are playing a week and a half before skinny puppy in london, dont think i an afford to go to that and skiiny puppy, sooo dissapointed. Will i ever get a chance to see themm again? and the new album is soo good
Weekend has been mediocer (cant remember how its spelt) I order two cool cd's arkham asylum and black comedy. Will let you know what i think when i get them (anticipating good things though from what iv already heard). Plucked up the drunken courage to actually try to chat up a girl on friday, was very funny

Have borrowed metropolis the manga film off a friend, so gona ewatch that soon...looks really cool.
Found out that KMFDM are playing a week and a half before skinny puppy in london, dont think i an afford to go to that and skiiny puppy, sooo dissapointed. Will i ever get a chance to see themm again? and the new album is soo good
thanks for the offer fella. yup, we're the nicest of folks any girl with dreads and piercings could hope to meet.
i just went to the worst bar ever.
& i have to be up in 4 1/2 hours. rock & fuckin roll, yo!