Mood: Tired
Music: Tapping the vein
went to Bath last night with 3 friends, one being a member here kristoph. I had to drive though so couldnt get drunk, which means i cant dance at all cos sober dancing is kinda hard work on your brain. I forced myself to when they played some NIN though, plus i gotbored just standing around. I mite go again if i can drink next time.
Iv been lazing around all day and hate doing that, makes me feel really guilty :S Have an ex visiting this w/e :s bit worried about how it will all go cos we were really close and kind of forced ourselves apart cos of the distance. Ah well makes life intresting i guess.
I seem to be getting better at writing more in this journal thing now,l even though still think the whole live journal concept isa little stange. I may have found a new place to do an industrial metal night in Bristol, so thats kinda exciting. Have to talk to the new manager, but i kinda know him so should finger crossed go ok, as he likes industrial
If it all happens, i will arrange an SG meet there
Best stop rambling and do something with the small amount of day left.
Music: Tapping the vein
went to Bath last night with 3 friends, one being a member here kristoph. I had to drive though so couldnt get drunk, which means i cant dance at all cos sober dancing is kinda hard work on your brain. I forced myself to when they played some NIN though, plus i gotbored just standing around. I mite go again if i can drink next time.
Iv been lazing around all day and hate doing that, makes me feel really guilty :S Have an ex visiting this w/e :s bit worried about how it will all go cos we were really close and kind of forced ourselves apart cos of the distance. Ah well makes life intresting i guess.
I seem to be getting better at writing more in this journal thing now,l even though still think the whole live journal concept isa little stange. I may have found a new place to do an industrial metal night in Bristol, so thats kinda exciting. Have to talk to the new manager, but i kinda know him so should finger crossed go ok, as he likes industrial

Best stop rambling and do something with the small amount of day left.
you were mashed last night (at the cooler), yes?
i said goodbye but i'm not sure you knew it was me...
i had to leave after some creepy guy with a camera started pushing himself onto my ex & i had to (politely) ask him to back the fuck off.
he got into a fight shortly after.
not nice.
me & confrontations don't go well together.
come to bath next week. we will drive you. tony will get 'the one' & alex will be on the prowl again no doubt.
i WILL talk to the mosh pit queen!