two more to more days till i graduate "A" school. i get a month of leave before i go to my boat and become a nub. so im going to party hard, maybe grow a beard, go sky diving, spend some time on the beach, and take a road trip to visit friends all over florida. should be good time.
More Blogs
Sunday Feb 06, 2011
SG looks so much better now that the netbook was upgraded to a MacBoo… -
Thursday Sep 16, 2010
saturday flight to kuwait for five days then on my way to iraq. yaaaa… -
Thursday Oct 15, 2009
the days have been dragging lately. -
Monday Oct 12, 2009
the dudes i just moved in with have a dog that shits and pisses all o… -
Friday Aug 07, 2009
listening to some old "The Features". always puts me in a good mood. -
Thursday Jul 30, 2009
WOW almost three years since ive put anything on here. Today i had th… -
Friday Nov 17, 2006
deployment is starting to pick up, were done all the spook shit and i… -
Saturday Jun 24, 2006
whats long, black and filled with seamen? a submarine!!!!!!!!!!!!!… -
Friday May 19, 2006
ive been on my boat for a week now and i get the honor of crawling in… -
Tuesday Apr 04, 2006
two more days till palm trees and sunshine.