Well my sister's wedding was great! She had it at her HUGE house and it's set in the foothills of Folsom right near Lake Folsom and it was beautiful. It was nice to see my Dad for a day and hang out with him, from what he has told me he should be moving out here around March so I am pretty excited about that. My good friend Aambr was my date for the wedding and we caught up on each others lives and talked about the good old days of California.
I need to establish balance in my life, I work and then go home and sit around. It's good cause I am not spending money, but I really need to go out and meet new people and just have a social life and connect. All work and no fun make Jason go crazy
I need to establish balance in my life, I work and then go home and sit around. It's good cause I am not spending money, but I really need to go out and meet new people and just have a social life and connect. All work and no fun make Jason go crazy