I bought a new guitar a couple of days ago and I must say that I am very happy with it. It plays out like a dream and now all I need is a new amp to go along with it. I am thinking Vintage, maybe Fender dual reverb combo amp would sound really sweet with this guitar. Hook it up with some fuzz distortion...
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Last night Ashley took me out to dinner and it was so nice. We went to this nice Cuban Cafe with Chris and Dan and we all hung out at Ashleys place afterwards. I had a really good time.
i love boo bear.
Thanksgiving was a good time. I went and had dinner with Ashley's family and they cooked up some good food. After I drove back down to my place and hung out with Ashley and later on Chris and Danielle came by and we played guitar hero, this game is a blast!.
Things are going really well, it is nice to have the place to myself...
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Things are going really well, it is nice to have the place to myself...
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Hmmm...my top 5...
Portishead- Dummy
Jane's Addiction-Nothing's Shocking
Bjork- Post
Soundtrack to The Nightmare Before Christmas
NIN- The Fragile
Portishead- Dummy
Jane's Addiction-Nothing's Shocking
Bjork- Post
Soundtrack to The Nightmare Before Christmas
NIN- The Fragile
I am bored at the moment, nothing really to do tonight so I am just hanging inside watching Mystery Science Theater on DVD. I am really excited about tomorrow because it is Ashley's birthday and I got her some nice things. I sent her a huge bouquet of tulips with a nice vase.
Today Ian and I bought a new couch for the apartment and...
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Today Ian and I bought a new couch for the apartment and...
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Wow, the work week has been very busy and I can't really say that is a bad thing because it gets me out of the house and the weather has been nice so it is not so bad. On my only day off I took Ashley out to a nice dinner where we met up with Phill and his new lady. The food was great...
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So after Four days of talking we are back together and I think she understands how hurt I was with what she did. This was a big bump in the road but I am really happy that we worked it out. For myself, this was a big step for me. When stuff like this happens I am quick to put up walls and shield myself...
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The days have been going slowly by, the mornings are nice and cool but not cold enough to see your breath in the air. I wish I had some where to go and some thing to do so I could just stop thinking about this whole thing.
I am not doing too good
, I really miss her.

missing is an odd, twisted and seemingly everlasting state, and it can truly suck ass loads. i just clicked on your name because you were at the top of the 'recent journal entry' list..and i thought i could leave a lil note.
i think we miss people because, in some small way, we are (understandably &) egocentrically missing the way that we used to *be* with them - who we were, how we felt, what we learned, who we met, and why. if it's a good thing to be a part, then all you need to think about is that beautiful incredible time when you can be exactly who you want to me - mutually exclusive from anyone else in the world. just you, a happy you, inside your own head and able to interact in the world in such a way that makes sense.
blessings and (oo! i was worried about writing 'god bless' or 'blessings' in case that wasn't your thing..and then i saw that buddha was one of the things you cant live without..are you poking fun or serious?
..ehem. where was i?
blessings and let me know how it all pans out for you! looking forward to it because everyone's got something special about theeeeem...as cliche as that sounds - the reason it's a cliche is because its true (in this case)
butterfly wings,

i think we miss people because, in some small way, we are (understandably &) egocentrically missing the way that we used to *be* with them - who we were, how we felt, what we learned, who we met, and why. if it's a good thing to be a part, then all you need to think about is that beautiful incredible time when you can be exactly who you want to me - mutually exclusive from anyone else in the world. just you, a happy you, inside your own head and able to interact in the world in such a way that makes sense.
blessings and (oo! i was worried about writing 'god bless' or 'blessings' in case that wasn't your thing..and then i saw that buddha was one of the things you cant live without..are you poking fun or serious?

..ehem. where was i?
blessings and let me know how it all pans out for you! looking forward to it because everyone's got something special about theeeeem...as cliche as that sounds - the reason it's a cliche is because its true (in this case)

butterfly wings,
what are your gifts?
someone once implicated that i might be an 'indigo child' if that's what you're refering to...but despite all the beautiful blessings ive received im absolutely adamant that i wont let anyone - any 'human' - ask me to do something for them...i only have my most spiritual moments when nature compels me towards someone, to whisper in their ear what their angel wishes for them, to inspire them towards the secret goal that they've harbored all their life...etc..
ha! never thought i'd say THAT on suicidegirls.
so much to learn. what do you know? i love listening, so speak when you can and i'll gladly recieve your thoughts.
lalala *dances*
nice to meet you mister.
someone once implicated that i might be an 'indigo child' if that's what you're refering to...but despite all the beautiful blessings ive received im absolutely adamant that i wont let anyone - any 'human' - ask me to do something for them...i only have my most spiritual moments when nature compels me towards someone, to whisper in their ear what their angel wishes for them, to inspire them towards the secret goal that they've harbored all their life...etc..
ha! never thought i'd say THAT on suicidegirls.
so much to learn. what do you know? i love listening, so speak when you can and i'll gladly recieve your thoughts.
lalala *dances*
nice to meet you mister.

You said that you loved me, you swore that you loved me, and I believed. Now I know is was a lie... She said she wasn't cheating but talking to your ex-boy friend about what was once our relationship I think is really wrong. Him saying that he loves you and you calling him pet names is enough for me to know some thing is...
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I wonder...
Do you know the reason they broke up in the first place?
Also, how much time had passed before you and she started dating and for how long have you been with her? Is there any reason not to trust that her intentions are purely nostalgic?
You may be distorting facts to prove yourself right. It is easy to find proof of terrible news when you look for it.
My advice:
Keep an open mind and hold on to some semblance of perspective. It may not be as dire as you think.
In fact, it probably isn't. If she had some grand conspiracy to leave you and join with him again, you wouldn't even know the things you've listed. Us girls are sneaky like that. When we have a change of heart, no one knows until we are sure of what we feel and we're ready to announce the news.
Unless, of course, she is a scandalous woman of loose morals... which I doubt, even though I do not know her from Eve.
Do you know the reason they broke up in the first place?
Also, how much time had passed before you and she started dating and for how long have you been with her? Is there any reason not to trust that her intentions are purely nostalgic?
You may be distorting facts to prove yourself right. It is easy to find proof of terrible news when you look for it.
My advice:
Keep an open mind and hold on to some semblance of perspective. It may not be as dire as you think.
In fact, it probably isn't. If she had some grand conspiracy to leave you and join with him again, you wouldn't even know the things you've listed. Us girls are sneaky like that. When we have a change of heart, no one knows until we are sure of what we feel and we're ready to announce the news.
Unless, of course, she is a scandalous woman of loose morals... which I doubt, even though I do not know her from Eve.
Ashley, Ian, and I went to the theater and caught Saw-2 and it was so much better than the first one. It filled in all the parts that Saw-1 left unanswered and it had some decent twist. After the movie we went out and ate some sushi and Ian and I went home. I went on line and bought Ministry Psalm-69. I lost my Ministry...
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These past Two days have been really nice out. Clear blue skies and a chill to the air. The place is coming together and is looking really nice, money is tight right now but I am very happy. Work has been really busy after the storm and I really don't mind because it is some thing to do and I am out in the nice...
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Good to hear your getting things togather, Im in Korea cause of the Air Force. I was coned in doing so like many others were. Its ok...but you give up your freedom in order to give others theirs. Thats the crazy stuff they dont tell you when you do sign up. Peace