So much going on lately, don't know where exactly to begin this post......
Ever been in that sort of quandry where you want to scream something from the mountain tops but simultaneously need to bite your tongue? It's my constant inner struggle. I need to vent or I may explode, Chernoble style, infecting all those around me with the release of months and possibly years... Read More
excuse me i paid you my full attention and the boy is in spain! hahaha but it/s ok, i still have simon there to stare at...lucky i/m down with all the boys and umm of course you can see my like anytime we/re in a car together! you know that point where they just come out...hahaha
I have a bad case of the jitters, not quite sure why.
Well, ok- that's a lie. I'm pretty sure I know why, or at least I'm pretty sure I know HOW......
I realise I can be over-cryptic some times and no one knows what the fuck I'm talking about, but, hey.... Here in SG land there are no real faces any more. Only pixilated... Read More
It's cold here today. I have been shivering all damn day, running around here at work trying to warm up. But then the running around does not auger well with my hellish hangover ( god damn Thirsday night sessions... ) and so I am left to sit in my office, play solitare and huddle with myself for warmth.
This weekend I am looking forward to... Read More
me? good question.
too many things going on at the moment, non of which im mentioning on the internet, nothing bad at all just dont want the W.W.W to know
as usual bill coming out my ass though
and, i don't mind the rant on your dressing habits! i definitely believe you are a snappy tom.