It would appear I have been infultrated.
My 'other' existence has been compromised.
I was randomly reading something on SG the other day where someone was forced to lay low for a while, as far as SG is concerned, because a relative of theirs had recently joined. At the time I guess I didn't pay it enough attention to put myself in their shoes and wondered why a family member would turn someone to exile.
Unfortunately, now I know. Although slightly different, my young neices have discovered me on MySpace which has a link directly to my SG page. Do I block my page from them by setting it to 'friends only'? I mean, to everyone else up in here that would seem kinda conceited, wouldn't it? Well, I suppose that's probably not too far a stretch for me anyway....
Regardless, here's another installment of the ever growing Little Dista. He's grown nearly two kilo's in his 8 weeks in existence which I'm told is a very good rate of growth. Now I just have to teach the little fucker to sleep!