I've had so much 'advice' over the last few months. Some of it actually has been handy, mostly not though. In one ear and out the other, as Ma always told me ( she wasn't far off either... fuckin old drunk! ).
The one peice of advice that has stuck with me, however, I read in a pamphlet given to me at the hospital by a midwife. It was entitled "It is Wrong to Shake your Baby". Now for any other parents out there, you'll have a grin on your face already. I mean, like DERRRR!! No shit, right?!?!? Well, that is until it hits 4am and you've not slept since the night before. The little bundle of joy is, at the moment, anything but and suddenly you find yourself flipping through this pamphlet for any ideas that may help you surpress any and all violent impulses. And you stumble across a gem of pure wisdom, worded thusly;
"Should you feel the urge to shake you baby remember that not only will it not be good for the baby's health, it could land you in a lot of strife as this behaviour is frowned upon in general society".
In a sleep deprived state, reading these words, I began to giggle. That giggle slowly turned into a rautious cackle which then very shortly became all out belly laughter. In fact, I was laughing so hard I had to put the baby down AND managed to wake his mother up ( which when greeted by a VERY tired mother at 4am-ish rubbing her eyes with a look on her face that quite clearly says "just what the fuck are you playing at?" tends to prolong the delirious laughter..... ).
Suffice to say, the pamphlet worked. I did not shake the baby. But I did take a photo. Even he was wondering what the hell was so funny.
Peace out yall.
The one peice of advice that has stuck with me, however, I read in a pamphlet given to me at the hospital by a midwife. It was entitled "It is Wrong to Shake your Baby". Now for any other parents out there, you'll have a grin on your face already. I mean, like DERRRR!! No shit, right?!?!? Well, that is until it hits 4am and you've not slept since the night before. The little bundle of joy is, at the moment, anything but and suddenly you find yourself flipping through this pamphlet for any ideas that may help you surpress any and all violent impulses. And you stumble across a gem of pure wisdom, worded thusly;
"Should you feel the urge to shake you baby remember that not only will it not be good for the baby's health, it could land you in a lot of strife as this behaviour is frowned upon in general society".
In a sleep deprived state, reading these words, I began to giggle. That giggle slowly turned into a rautious cackle which then very shortly became all out belly laughter. In fact, I was laughing so hard I had to put the baby down AND managed to wake his mother up ( which when greeted by a VERY tired mother at 4am-ish rubbing her eyes with a look on her face that quite clearly says "just what the fuck are you playing at?" tends to prolong the delirious laughter..... ).
Suffice to say, the pamphlet worked. I did not shake the baby. But I did take a photo. Even he was wondering what the hell was so funny.
Peace out yall.
awww he is so beautiful. once things settle down for you, let me know so i can come visit. i have gifts for bubs and a cuddle for you
that sounds awful! i have only seen a penguin close-up once (in a mall believe it or not) but i can't believe those people were so disrespectful, and that there weren't any guards around to stop them or anything!! there are two seal groups in la jolla, our and one called seal watch that raises money just to have a security guard there at night to make sure no one fucks around with them.