Lately I've been reminiscing about places I've been and I can't believe how long it has been. Germany was the last big trip I took and that was over five years ago. I mean I've been down to Florida a few times since and to Quebec but I'm talking travel on a plane, train or vessel. Between the ages of 16 and 28 I was traveling every year. I've been to Mexico, Venezuela and Europe a number of times but there is still much more of the world to see. I have even let my passport expire which is not good because it's harder to apply for it again then it is to renew.
Back when I was 18 I lived on a boat for 3 months, when we cruised it all the way from Newfoundland to Margarita Island. Now that was a trip, I even wrote a folk song about it called, "Wind & the Waves" Check it out at

Back when I was 18 I lived on a boat for 3 months, when we cruised it all the way from Newfoundland to Margarita Island. Now that was a trip, I even wrote a folk song about it called, "Wind & the Waves" Check it out at

...and im blush! haha thank you for your sweet coment!