I had people over on saturday to grill, drink booze and be stupid by a fire. The only problem with this was any time you tell too many people about something there is ALWAYS a stragler that comes along. This time it happend to be a fucker named Lenny. He showed up with one of my friends and i fugured I'd just let it slide cause it was already late and shit was winding down. Well i was wrong to do that. We all moved in side to watch boondock saints and relax. This fucker passes out for like an hour. Then he shoots upright grabs my bottle of Potcheen, takes a pull, and then fucking throws up
right into the bottle, on to the couch and the floor. The people he arrived with, martin and some stupid bitch, look at each other get him up and fucking leave. Offering no help to clean up and no sort of compansation. Man fuck lenny!!!!!

Sounds like something would happen.