massively disillusioned with work, life, people who claim to be friends (but dont seem to know you when you need to talk), a cunt of a boss that doesnt give a fuck that I'm being paid 15K under what HE promised...
ahhh fuck everything...
ahhh fuck everything...

im never nice to the IT guys
usualy cause they bug me by trying to talk to me in a way thinking that i wont understand what they are saying when in actual fact i know every thing they are saying cause both my p'rents are it profs
should add that i have caught out a coupel of the IT guys trying ot tell me that the problem was such and such using all teh big names and then getting shirty with me when i have pointed out that its imposible for say a bus to cause a system error because it is hardwear and the error is related to a computer softwear glitch cause by tryingot run two brograms that conflic with each other (got to hate a know it all)
but they all like my idea for my special organic error corection device
it involves that every time a organic error is comited a hand come out from beside the computer to slap the organic hardwear for being so stupid to comit said error