gah! moving house REALLY sucks HARD! (and not in a good way either...)
This new site design is fucking with my mind...
The house looks like a bomb has hit it, I'd rather be at Newtown celebrating Platypuz's brithday with a few ales, but NO... here I am trying to pack my live into cartons in some semblance of order...
Could someone kindly kidnap me for a few days?
This new site design is fucking with my mind...
The house looks like a bomb has hit it, I'd rather be at Newtown celebrating Platypuz's brithday with a few ales, but NO... here I am trying to pack my live into cartons in some semblance of order...
Could someone kindly kidnap me for a few days?

thats why ive done it 4 times in the last year
realy need some stability
been going through my old music colection
all my old doors and airplane albums