god damn you mellylou!
7 things......
7 Things to do before I die
-own my own home (as in paid off)
-move out of the city
-learn to enjoyu my life more
-go visit all those little island nations in the south pacific
-get married (you can stop laughing now
-learn to be more tolerant of outers
-learn to fly
7 Things I cannot do
-save the world
-tolerate the willfully ignorant
-be nice ALL THE TIME
-ignore my frineds
-break my worst habits
-give way to taxi's
-high impact sports
7 Things I usually say
-what the fuck
-cock smoker
-nice one dipshit
-ahhh yeah... OK
-yeah sure...
-take care
7 Good Books
-Midkemia based books by Raymond E Feist
-Redemption Ark by Alastair Reynolds
-Fallen Dragon by Peter F Hamilton
-Starship Troopers by Robert A Heinlien
-Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
-Look to Windward by Ian M Banks
-Heaven's Reach by David Brin
7 Good Movies
-Rocky Horror Picture Show
-Dune (both the original and the 3 part version for different reasons)
-Soylent Green
-Unbearable Lightness of Being
-Full Metal Jacket
-The Maltese Falcon
mmm time to tag...
ok maybe not
7 things......
7 Things to do before I die
-own my own home (as in paid off)
-move out of the city
-learn to enjoyu my life more
-go visit all those little island nations in the south pacific
-get married (you can stop laughing now

-learn to be more tolerant of outers
-learn to fly
7 Things I cannot do
-save the world
-tolerate the willfully ignorant
-be nice ALL THE TIME
-ignore my frineds
-break my worst habits
-give way to taxi's
-high impact sports
7 Things I usually say
-what the fuck
-cock smoker
-nice one dipshit
-ahhh yeah... OK
-yeah sure...
-take care
7 Good Books
-Midkemia based books by Raymond E Feist
-Redemption Ark by Alastair Reynolds
-Fallen Dragon by Peter F Hamilton
-Starship Troopers by Robert A Heinlien
-Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
-Look to Windward by Ian M Banks
-Heaven's Reach by David Brin
7 Good Movies
-Rocky Horror Picture Show
-Dune (both the original and the 3 part version for different reasons)
-Soylent Green
-Unbearable Lightness of Being
-Full Metal Jacket
-The Maltese Falcon
mmm time to tag...
ok maybe not

Thanks for the job leads, all welcome.
Anyway, I'm endeavouring to take it easy but it's just not going away like it should be, damnit! *growl*
Hope you're well, though and I love the new profile pic! Awesomeness.