Was supposed to go to Portland on Monday morning to meet up with wifey, but the person that was supposed to watch her dog decided he didn't want to because he had friends in town. Okay he's my brother. More important for him to party up than for me to spend Christmas with my wife. Anyway, I'm flying up tomorrow at six a.m. and home...
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Bowie and Bing are 100% cool apart, therefore 200% cool together.
Happy Holidays!
Updated my book list but ran out of room. Can't forget Native Son, To Kill a Mockingbird, USA, Sister Carrie, Lord of the Flies, Tropic of Cancer, The House of Mirth, A House for Mr. Miswas, Scoop, Kim, Midnight's Children, The Magus, My Antonia, Watership Down, Invisible Man, Blood Meridian, The Stand, A Town Like Alice, Battlefield Earth, the Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Crash,...
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I need a new job. This one is making me nutty. Causing me to self-destruct, or maybe my self-destructing is making me hate my job. WE. Not happy.
I'm depressed by this inevitable war with Iraq. I'm sure that we are getting involved for all the wrong reasons, but I think the outcome is probably going to be better for the Iraqi people, I just wish the administration would own up to their true goals. It is of course about oil and reducing our dependency on the Saudis, buttressing American business interests and...
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I agree with what you say. Freeing the Iraqi people is merely a side effect of other more selfish objectives.

Welcome to the site, by the way.