I'm weird, and thus ponder abstract and often meaningless impossible existances that boggle my mind. Todays thought came from the saying "as far as the eye can see". I thought about the limit of ones vision, and how though we see the daytime sky as being blue, there is so much more behind it that our eyes cant actually conceive. At nighttime, we can see past the blue veil that shrouds the seemingly infinite beyond, and yet the majority of the sky we see is still black. With such an infinite abyss and countless amount of stars and planetary possibilities, if our eyes had a limitless range, then surely not a single line of sight into the great beyond would be black. The sky would be nothing but a bright glow of cosmic colors given off by the undiscovered galaxies, colorful planets, and brightly burning stars that blanket the sky.
Another thought brought up by the same relative concept is that while we look out to a horizon such as an ocean and see an end, it is only because the world is round and thus there is no true ending. Try to imagine the existence of a world sloped upwards and downwards for a billion or so miles. What would a horizon look like then? Looking up at half of the world while looking down on the rest. In no dimension is such an abstract existence likely to be conceived considering all current known proof and knowledge. Without a round mass, there would be no stable rotation and centrifugal force to generate gravity and thus keep any being on the ground. A flat, linear world would only succeed in sending any existing being to be slung into the vast reaches of space as nothing more than lost debris. Nonetheless, an interesting thing to have thought about.
Yep, i'm a weirdo.
Also, as cryptic and depressing as it may seem, I enjoy this photo.

Another thought brought up by the same relative concept is that while we look out to a horizon such as an ocean and see an end, it is only because the world is round and thus there is no true ending. Try to imagine the existence of a world sloped upwards and downwards for a billion or so miles. What would a horizon look like then? Looking up at half of the world while looking down on the rest. In no dimension is such an abstract existence likely to be conceived considering all current known proof and knowledge. Without a round mass, there would be no stable rotation and centrifugal force to generate gravity and thus keep any being on the ground. A flat, linear world would only succeed in sending any existing being to be slung into the vast reaches of space as nothing more than lost debris. Nonetheless, an interesting thing to have thought about.
Yep, i'm a weirdo.
Also, as cryptic and depressing as it may seem, I enjoy this photo.