Alright, so it's been awhile since I updated again. What can I say, I'm lazy.
Alright, so let's see, what's new? The website me and my friends run has been down for about 3 weeks because AOL is full of assholes. AOL said that somehow spam mail was being sent to them through our site, and they happened to be buddies with our hosting company, so they told them to shut down our site indefinitely. Dicks. We've been working from scratch to made a completely new one, and we're almost ready to put it up.
SDCC (San Diego Comic Con) is coming up soon, and I'm not sure if i've mentioned this before, but we're exhibiting there for our cartoon series. We are also sharing a booth with a bit of an internet celebrity (Maddox, thebestpageintheuniverse.com) so hopefully that will draw in a lot of people as well. We got our booth location and with this being our first year, they put us in a really shitty secluded location. We'll be giving away stickers and maybe buttons, and selling tshirts, posters, cheapass cafepress books the other guys wrote, and maybe a few others.
If any of you are going or even care, look for us! We're listed under "Maddox Productions", but our company apart from Maddox is Tomorrows Nobody. (www.tomorrowsnobody.com)
Alright, so it's been awhile since I updated again. What can I say, I'm lazy.
Alright, so let's see, what's new? The website me and my friends run has been down for about 3 weeks because AOL is full of assholes. AOL said that somehow spam mail was being sent to them through our site, and they happened to be buddies with our hosting company, so they told them to shut down our site indefinitely. Dicks. We've been working from scratch to made a completely new one, and we're almost ready to put it up.
SDCC (San Diego Comic Con) is coming up soon, and I'm not sure if i've mentioned this before, but we're exhibiting there for our cartoon series. We are also sharing a booth with a bit of an internet celebrity (Maddox, thebestpageintheuniverse.com) so hopefully that will draw in a lot of people as well. We got our booth location and with this being our first year, they put us in a really shitty secluded location. We'll be giving away stickers and maybe buttons, and selling tshirts, posters, cheapass cafepress books the other guys wrote, and maybe a few others.
If any of you are going or even care, look for us! We're listed under "Maddox Productions", but our company apart from Maddox is Tomorrows Nobody. (www.tomorrowsnobody.com)
AOL is just effin gay dude.
SDCC: Awesome.