so, i'im sitting here feeling sorry for myself. when something seems too good to be true it probably is. i recently was given an opportunity to move into an awesome home here in town. it is basically a mansion that myself and my roommates could live in. the best part of the deal is that it is rent free. after waiting for over 2 weeks for confirmation that we could live there, i just learned that we can move in on one condition. we have to get rid of our cats. the one snag about the house is that we aren't sure how long we would get to live there. it could be 2 months, or it could be 9 months. we don't know. i don't think it is worth giving up my cat. i love my kitty too much. i thought up to today that it wasn't an issue that we have cats. i'm going to try to see if we can work something out, but i'm not too optimistic about it.
And yes, crutches. I basically ate concrete a bit over a week ago. And by that I mean I tripped and fractured my foot/sprained my ankle. Hence, the crutches.